Jan 03, 2009 21:07
The 2008 Best Mates and More Awards
Welcome to the home for the 2008 Ron and Harry Best Mates and More Awards. We welcome you to join in to nominate and vote on your favorite Ron and Harry stories for 2008. It's time that Harry and Ron writers and artists were recognized as being some of the best, funniest, and craziest folks out there!
General Information
*Nominations will open on January 3, 2009 and Conclude on January 24th 2009 at 11:59 PM EST.
*Voting will commence on February 1st 2009 and Run through February 20th 2009.
*Winners will be announced on March 1, 2009
The Rules
First and Foremost there have to be a few rules to keep chaos to a minimum.
General Rules:
1. Flaming, Disrespect, general nastiness, and wank will not be tolerated.
a. Flaming towards authors and artists will result in being banned from the awards
b. Nastiness and a massive wank storm will immediately close the awards. We are taking a strong stance on this to preserve the joy of Harry and Ron.
2. The mod has the discretion to delete any posts that are derogatory toward the ship or anyone involved in the awards.
3. Authors and Artists have the right to refuse Nominations.
4. Nominations will open on January 3, 2009 and conclude on January 24th 2009 at 11:59 PM EST.
5. Voting will commence on February 1st 2009 and run through February 20th 2009 at 11:59 PM EST.
6. Awards will be announced on March 1, 2009.
7. You must have a Livejournal account that has been set up for the minimum of three months in order to nominate or vote in polls.
1. This years nominations and polls will be text boxes. This will help to ensure blind voting.
2. All votes will be tallied by an outside source that is not part of the Harry/Ron community and confirmed by the maintainer.
3. Nominations must be fully filled in or they will not be counted.
1. You must have a Live journal with entries in order to nominate. These will be checked by volunteers and the maintainer. If there are no entries in your journal or does not meet the three month requirement in the general rules, your nomination will be null.
3. You must include author/artist contact information. The author/artist must accept the nomination before they are included in the polls.
4. Stories do not have to be posted on Livejournal. You may nominate from outside sources as long as you have a confirmable Live Journal.
5. Nomination text boxes must be fully filled out with all information in order to be counted.
1. This will be a blind vote visible only to the Maintainer and Volunteers.
2. Once voting commences you may only vote once in each category. If we find you are spamming the award nominations, then all your votes will be ignored.
3. You must comment on the poll entry for IP confirmation for your vote to be counted. This will reduce the number of sock puppet votes. All these comments will be screened and deleted upon the end of the awards.
4. All votees journals will be checked that they meet the specified criteria.
5. You do not have to vote in all categories but you must comment to the post.
Changes for 2008
1. Volunteers and the maintainer can be nominated. They can also refuse nominations.
2. Drabbles will now be included.
3. Stories can not be nominated in multiple categories. They may only be nominated in one category.
4. RPG's are not eligible to be nominated.
admin: mod post