For: Abigail89| Title: That Charm That Can the Strongest Quell | Rating: NC-17

Dec 02, 2007 10:57

For: Abigail89
From: thrihyrne
Title: That Charm That Can the Strongest Quell
Rating: NC-17
Summary: None
Disclaimer: This story is for entertainment purposes only. Neither the author nor the maintainer of this community claim to have rights to the characters that belong to the WB and JKR
Warnings: EWE
Author's Note: Title, as it absolutely must have, comes from Robert Burns, from his poem "Poem on Pastoral Poetry" written in 1791. It's from the final stanza, and the sentiment reflects pretty accurately the atmosphere of this story:

[...] but that sweet spell
O' witchin love,
That charm that can the strongest quell,
The sternest move.

I have no idea where this rather cracktastic idea came from, but once I was given Abigail89 as my gift recipient and saw a shared interest in Scotland and kilts (and perhaps single malts as well), this story was breathed into life. DH-compliant, ignoring the epilogue. Happy Christmas, lovely!

That Charm That Can the Strongest Quell
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