some things
just can't be cured.
or covered up.
these days,
she's hardly alive.
A - Age you got your first kiss: 13
B - Band listening to right now: <33cursive
C - Crush: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
D - Dad's name: steve, iiiiick.
E - Easiest person to talk to: kelly's muh guuurl.
- Favorite bands at the moment: cursive deathcab tilly & the wall lovedrug across five aprils bayside, randomly.
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears? dude definatley the worms.
H - Hometown: plainview.
I - Instruments: i used to play the violin, and the clarinet. okay you can all point and laugh.
J- Junior High: pob
K - Kids you wanna have: a girl & a boy. girl name; ryanne. boy name; hudson.
- Longest car ride ever: either ohio or s. carolina or something in camp, like 2ish years ago.
M - Mom's name: cindy
N - Nicknames: mish, mish the knish, knishkemo, mishy, mishmosh, lsjfdlskf the list goes on forever.
- One wish: for people to stop being fake, bitches, and assholes. okay so three wishes.
P - Phobia[s]: i hate daddy long leg spiders.
Q - Quote: "some things can't be cured, or covered up. these days, she's barely alive." cursivebaby.
R - Reason to smile: i leave long island tomorrow for 5 days. thank god.
- Song: hm. deathcab - blacking out the friction is playing right now. kay
T - Time you woke up [today]: 6 sdlkfj
U - Unknown fact about me: i'm a sucker for lifetime movies.
- Vegetable you hate: asparagus and spinach.
W - Worst habit(s): nail biting. cracking my knuckles. overanalyzing every single situation. nervous breakdowns.
X - X-rays you've had: a few for my knee.
- Yummy food: tacofreakingbell spaghetti and sushi. <3
Z - Zodiac sign: taurus.
yeah i leave for florida tomorrow at 4am.
sldkfsjldkgj early.
if you write me a plane letter
i'll be in love with you for-ev-eeeeer.
<>&ps; leave me a ginormous amount of comments for me to come home to.