In case you haven't heard about SOPA & PIPA, it's something you really need to know about. SOPA stands for "Stop Online Piracy Act" and PIPA stands for "Protect IP Act." It sounds like a good thing. Right? On the surface it does, but when you start thinking about how far this censorship could go, it's scary. Scary to little people like me who use the internet as a way not only to share their love for art, but also as a way to make a living. Here's an informative video that helps explain it.
PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from
Fight for the Future on
Many sites on the internet, large sites, are blacked out today in protest of this bill and to help raise awareness of it. I have signed my name to petitions and urge you to do the same. If you enjoy reading my blog, or looking at my work on the internet, or any artist's work for that matter, or if you enjoy sharing your work on the internet, I urge you to sign also. It only takes a second.
Here's a link for Artists Opposing the Protect-IP / SOPA Act. There's another great video on the subject at That site blacked out their front page, but put up a video of how it could affect them (and other artists). It's done in a humorous way, but it helps you see how this could affect you.
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