Here's yesterday's journal page. I wasn't in much of a productive mood yesterday. So I thought I might as well glue some shit down and slap on some paint. It's always helpful for me to keep the hands moving. I decided to move my scanner out into my art house, which is where I'm at now, and I think I like it out here. Maybe I can slowly get more things out of what used to be my living room and into my art house. We'll see. My art house is already pretty full. Anyway, it's easier to scan my pages as I go than to scan a bunch at once like I did the other day. So here's another one for you. The weather is back to being cold and gloomy here in Lawrence, KS. Which is matching how I've been feeling the past few days. But I'm off to get a massage! So hopefully that will give me a jump start and back on track with my working on my book. Ruby hasn't been feeling well, which is why she looks down in the photo.