Last night, I went to the KC Clay Guild to get my piece ready to be bisque fired. Near the end of the evening, my pal Todd told me we were all going over to his friend's house to hang out in his hot tub. I remembered the skin doctor told me earlier that day, after he silced off two moles, "do not take a bath or go swimming until your skin is healed
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Well, I guess I'm seeing it from a different angle than you, or a different reason for it happening. I was naked because I wanted to get in the hot tub--I didn't have a swim suit, I didn't want to drive home in wet clothes, and I was told we were all just going to "hot tub"--when I asked "naked?", the reply was yes. I don't see the big deal. The point isn't to look at other people naked or for them to see me naked. I could care less what they look like without their clothes on, or whether or not they have clothes on. I'm not staring at them or trying to sneak a peak. But it was a surprise when I was told everyone was going to be naked, and then no one was but me. But really, I didn't care. If they felt better wearing their underwear, fine. If the woman felt uncomfortable in the hot tub without her top on, then she should have either not gotten in, or left it on (she got in with it on, and then took it off). My various circles of friends who hot tub/sauna/swim/whatever naked, don't care what anyone else looks like naked--my friends are all shapes and sizes from skinny bean poles to over-weight. So what. We have fun. It's not about "looking" at other people or having them look at you--it's about using the hot tub/sauna/swimming/whatever and having a nice time.
I don't consider myself (or them) exhibitionists--an exhibitionist wants to attract attention. I could care less if anyone looks at me or not--it's not the point.
Yes, I told my friend I wanted to see his butt. He didn't think anything of it. We've known each other since we were probably 16. When I saw him earlier in the evening, I told him I was having a bad day and asked if I could sit on his lap and have a hug. He said sure, and asked if a lap dance was involved. It made me laugh--I knew it was a joke. And then he sat and hugged me for awhile.
Maybe living in France for a year gave me a more "European view" of nudity. I've never understood why people were ashamed of their bodies, regardless of how skinny or fat they were
people who do enjoy it always sound judgmental about those who don't, for some reason.
I just reread my post to see if it came off mistakenly as being judgmental. And I really don't see that I was passing judgment. I was just asking what the big deal was.
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