Jan 18, 2010 22:34
Congratulations, you made it this far... and for that you deserve praise even if its the last thing you can actually stomach right now.
You've made a new start at Tapton, and whilst you may not realise it, some of the friends you've made will turn out to be people you will depend on through thick and thin. I wish there was a way for you to believe that sooner than you will, but at least this way you will know because you *know* and not for any shallow reason.
the uphill climb has not yet ended, and to be honest, im not sure it ever will, but time does make things a little easier. there are still mistakes to be made, and things to learn, and even now, ten years down the line, there are mistakes to make here, and things to learn, but don't give up.
In the midst of everything there is some light.... things may turn out entirely different to how you imagined they ever could. You may even find yourself in a position you once vowed would NEVER happen, but you'll also find that you'll survive it, that actually it isn't the end of the world, and to be cheesy and cliche, you will rise out of the ashes. More than you believe you have as well.
Not everyone is out to get you. Something that will take you at least another ten years to begin to comprehend. Equally though, things are not always your thought. I know that actually, you find the latter harder to accept right now. In time that will change, I promise, and you will come to accept that you're not responsible for the weight of the world. I'm not saying that you wont feel like you bear it sometimes, but try and keep some perspective. you can and will do this.
If there is one thing that you should try and change, you need to realise the damage thats been done. On some level you are aware of it, even now, but like me, you don't know how to deal with it... but the sooner you can start the better it will be.
You manage to find good in almost everything, and thus have few regrets, even through the silly stupid mistakes, which will inevitably involve relationship mistakes, but equally you wont regret them and wish you'd never bothered, because there is always something to learn.
The questions you start asking yourself, you should look into rather than bury them for fear of isolating yourself any further... but equally, it may seem safer to ignore them for a time.. but don't discount them fully.. they will come back.
You will find the next ten years incredibly hard.. but you will survive, and you may not realise it even down the line, but you have a lot of strength, as people will keep telling you and you will keep disbelieving.. but hey, stubbornness is a part of this...
a supposedly wiser, older self :P