new stuff..

Jan 04, 2010 18:15

first day back at work after new year today, and the first day of my shifted day - im working 8.15-4.15 for at least two weeks, probably at least a month, and maybe longer if it works... early does seem to suit me better as long as i can actually get up to start with, but all was generally good... even met most of my targets for the day (only home insurance leads i bombed on, but didnt speak to any customers who icould even broach the topic with... ). Think the arrangement has caused a bit of upset with a couple of other people in the branch though - as everyone has been asked to get in for 8.45 ready for the meeting at 8.50 (only 5-10 mins earlier than usual) which has caused upset... now im in for 8.15 (40-45 mins earlier - normally we're paid for 9-5so 8.15-4.15 makes perfect sense)
Now my boss has assured me not to worry about it - cos if others dont like it they can talk to him, but i dont like the fact that it could cause a bit of crap....

coming home i was kinda confused but pleasantly surprised at how good a job on tidying the flat i made yesterday, walked into the lounge and had to do a double take cos everything was where it should be, so that was nice...

not so good is the fact that i seem to have sinusitis again. brought on by stress and being run down usually as opposed to a cold. slight swelling of one of my glands but thats again normal, so just need to try and chill out a bit, stay warm and not stress... the running around over the last two weeks combined with bad insomnia is probably the cause... joints aching too, more from being over extended ont he ice than anythign else, so hot water bottle and blanket curled up on the sofa for me.. should have brought some cash home so i could get chinese but never mind...
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