(no subject)

Dec 04, 2009 13:05

The concert was pretty great, even considering the obnoxious nerdboys I wanted to strangle because they kept doing obnoxious LOOK HOW MUCH I KNOW ABOUT YOU yelling and being neckbeards. We even survived getting Very Lost beforehand and still made it on time! Sasquatch gave the jackal a burger for that one :)

All right, time to get to bed. Or something like that. Backwards schedule FTL.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, bestekeni sent to me...

Twelve sauces sleeping
Eleven spit-takes snuggling
Ten dreadlocks a-dancing
Nine books cuddling
Eight things a-singing
Seven clouds a-smiling
Six pomegranates everything
Five ca-a-a-anadian boys
Four squishy things
Three hermit crabs
Two rainy days
...and a guitar in a candy.
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