Jul 19, 2010 04:07
I'm trying to make my comeback! I'll be blogging once again. Not just here on my personal blog but also on my music blog (TheFreshMusicPage.com). I'll also be blogging more on my other personal but way more public blog TheDemetriusStandard.com which I have used for everything from trying out for "The Biggest Loser" reality tv show, to my weigh lost, and even just a random outlet for my opinions. LJ will always be the place where I just ponder over things. I like to see my thoughts in word form. I have about an audience of two on LJ.lol Everyone has gone but most of the stuff is personal and possibly not even interesting.
Know this: I never write for comments, I write for me. The reason why I write is for me. It's a personal journey I'm on. This is my personal outlet. If you find it interesting...COOL but if you don't...that's cool too.