That was really strange

Oct 08, 2004 21:55

Today I had the weirdest conversation with Emo Kid (Michael), he called to say thanks for the CD I made for him and for coming to visit him during break but then the conversation turned crazy. We talked about crap I dont even tell my best friends and I'm pretty sure we covered every subject from sex to religion. It was funny, he is a great guy. He's coming over tomorrow to help me paint. good times. Carson and Adam are gone camping for the weekend and I havent seen them for over a week and I'm sad. Milky is grounded for skipping out on evit, so is Kaytie. god. Me, Josh, Sam and Thomas were supposed to be going to a party tonight but that fell through because Josh was too chicken shit to ask to go, and I was not going to be the 3rd wheel, so I called Michael and he couldnt go either. so I said fuck it and came home. I dont really care because I haven't been home one night this week and I'm uber tired. So it is 10pm on a Friday night and I'm going to bed before 3 for the first time all week.


P.S. I start work on Monday!
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