Oct 07, 2004 19:26
1; How people are such fakes and put on an act when they are with you but act different around other people, who wants to be friends with someone who doesn't even know the fuk they are!?
2; How poeple lie to me like im fukin stupid and don't know?
3; How people get around the word of saying "No" and say I don't know, or Maybe, or We'll see, or im not sure if I can... Or anything, why don't you just fukin say NO!?
4; How I get bitter over the smallest things and want to fight, (which doesn't make things any better).
5; How people see me as someone very weird, and quiet and someone who can't protect herself because I am so very small.
6; How guys lie to you all the time and always change their minds.
7; How people say, OH SHES/HES A POSER! Just because they like different types of music, and dress one way or antoher. WHO CARES? LET THEM BE THEMSELVES! CUS THE FAKER YOU ACT THE FAKER YOU GET! Just be your fukin selves.
8; How guys lead me on.
9; How people talk shit on people that they don't know? OR, talk shit on someone, when they didn't even do anything WRONG. But there are some shitty people who need to bring others down to make themselves feel BETTER, when really, everyone else thinks of you as an asshole.
10; How I ruin my own friendships by doing the stupidest things.
11; Why can't people just be straight up with you, if they "act" as your friend but talk shit... Whats the point in being friends? There is not one reason. If you talk shit on them then just don't be friends! All your fukkin assholes who do that to their friends.
12; How I act, Who I am, What I do, How I express myself, My first impressions, My looks. I hate it all. I think I hate myself more than anyone ever. I do the stupidest things and wish I never did them.. I ruin friendships that I had really good, I ruin my relationships that were the best thing I could have ever gotten. I ruin everything good in my life jsut because im a stupid bitter fuk.
13; How the friends I have talk shit on me sometimes ...STILL? ....
14; How I still love that one boy and would do anything for him, but he doesn't even notice how much I would do....
15; How anyone can see me once and think that I am nice and cool or weird or whatever you people think, BUT DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW ME!
16; How people talk shit on my friends, and sometimes I will say something, and sometimes I won't, then later on I feel like complete shit for not sticking up for my own friend.
17; How I can't stop doing thsoe bad drugs.
18; How I am only attracted to one person and noone else. And I can't do anything about it.
19; How my hair does not go the way I want it to.
20; How I can write the longest things online and people say "Oh" or they IM me and don't even talk after they IMed ME.
21; How when I am around certain people I am just very quiet.. -- (I don't act different, or be mean..) I get very quiet and people don't get to know the real me. Because I get scared that If i say something people will think it is dumb.
22; How I eat a whole lot, And look at me... NOTHING!
23; How i smoke cigarettes. I wish I didn't, but I am not going to even try to quit, fuk that im tired of trying to do anything at all.
24; I HATE MY FUKIN DAD! right now the only good thing in my life is my mother. My dad is the worst guy ever. I can't do anything, I can't go anywhere.. I'm just grounded forever for nothing I even did. I'm tired of fighting with him and everyone else.
25; I hate life
26; There are too many thing thats I HATE and can't stand, I will post some more next entry because this is just too fukin long enough already.
But just to let use know, there are very few things that I do like... My friends help me out alot. Thanks <33 If your a friend comment <3
It's hard to say that I was wrong,
It's hard to say I miss you,
Since youve been gone its not the same.