TM 237: Simple.

Jul 10, 2008 21:07

It's your birthday! If anything were possible, what would be your perfect way to celebrate?

Stopped with the birthday parties long time back. Never much of a celebrator. Jean'd probably say that ain't a word. But Bill Gates says she'd be wrong.

So me and the big to-dos, we ain't friends exactly. Those that know me know I am a simple man with simple wants. My best birthday party? Me and my Jeannie in the cabin up north. I cook and she entertains. Hell, if she wants, I'll let the dog come, too.

Maybe a canoe trip. You ever been canoein'? Best in the early morning, earth just waking up. So quiet you can hear everything. The boat in the water. Birds chirpin', frogs croakin', wind in the reeds. Wind in the willows. Good book.

People think of the north as cold and gloomy. Tired. Dark. It's beautiful this time of year. Too bad my birthday is in November. Guess I'll have to do it all just for fun.


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