Jan 21, 2005 22:32
Ok,so yesterday I fully completed my head garmets. It's "tres bien" Not sure how to post pics,but I'll figure that out some other time.
But tonight,after I got back from work,I noticed Jaime was wearing his Livestrong bracelet. Overcome by the desire to rip the things to shreds,i grabbed it,pulling on it trying to break it.Took jaime by surprise,but that piece of plastic isn't as flimsy as I thought. So jaime got up and we started "dueling",but i held on to the thing.We ended up running around the entire first floor and I ended up pulling twisting his wrist a bit,but I finally got it off! Yes.
But then earlier today, I scared maggie with my getup and snuck into her room and locked the door(ala espionage style) But i thought she was on the other side of the door trying to get in,so my plan was to open the bathroom door(which connects to her room and the hall) and scare her from behind.But for some reason I couldn't open the door.So I waited 10 minutes,and it got quiet. So i opened her main door and was gonna go into the bathroom and unlock it from that side so when she came back I could get her from behind.
But she was hiding in the shower,and scared the shit out of me that I fell on my ass.Quite hilarious.And i sent gayle a gift,hope it works.
Alright,I definately said a couple months ago I was anti-livejournal.But whatever,only maybe 6-7 people read this and I talk to most of you guys on some basis anyway.
Well today,in french,we were suppose to correct the first scenes of our soap operas,but ended up talking about the Abroad program,which of course is exciting.But then I asked him a question about credits transferring,and how I want to do 2 semesters in France, 1 in italy,and yet somehow get my teacher's certification.
Well 40 minutes later,the concensus(sp?) was that the education courses at this school suck, the state requirements to teach change almost every year,and that I should skip the courses,go right for the masters, and teach collegiately. I think that's what I'm gonna do.I would explain the requirements to become a highschool teacher and to be a college professor but it's really confusing.But if I don't do the education courses(which i dont think so,high school kids in general don't want to learn),then I can possibly go abroad for a year and a half and still graduate in 4 yrs.At which point I'll get my masters in either french and italian(I know Rutgers has a special masters program in italian)