(no subject)

Feb 19, 2006 17:47

ok i sent out lots of inventions asking people to add me most people went inrested and said something like "who are you?" or "i dont understand" and thats fine but there not the ones im intrested in. the people who has the spontanaiety to say "sure i'l add you" now you people are the intresting ones. a few people partictualy intrested me, none more so than ohemgerard45 (i hope u dont mind me pointing you out)who said to me "I really don't get many comments, perhaps because people are just lazy? Anyway, you wanted me to add you so I did. And I hope to get to know you better." i enjoyed reading her journal she seems warm, modest and very cearing. i think its a shame people are to lazy to coment in her journal. ide like it if we all made the effot to at least read a bit of it.

oh and by the way my name is james. any questions are welcome.
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