It may surprise some (who have been paying no attention whatsoever) to learn that moderator
striderhlc enjoys the odd video game. The odder the better, really. He has been a regular contributor to the yearly
Java4K game design competition, and his articles have appeared on a few online blogs where he waxes nostalgic about the good old days when there was no escape from the endless waves of enemy bullets, and you had to walk to school uphill both ways in the snow.
Readers who wish to follow our beloved Strider in his quest for the perfect blend of fun and deadly deadly lasers may do so over at
Inverted Castle, a blog so nerdy it makes Best_Thing_Ever look like a monster truck ralley on free-tribal-tattoo night. Strider has been a diligent and watchful moderator in this community, often rescuing weeks which would have otherwise contained perfectly ordinary voting options.
Strider's Favorite:
[Year 3 / Week 33] A Little Jamaican Dude In A Suit Jacket and Bermuda Shorts Comes Up To You Every Friday and Gives You a Printed Transcript of Everything People Have Said About You During The Week When You Weren't There is defeated by The Ability to Shave Just By Thinking About It Real Hard