(no subject)

Jan 27, 2009 10:48

I've been having those uber-melodramatic "self-relfection" times. I've figured out a few things about myself that have actually helped me not be so crazy. Or at least to figure out why I am so crazy sometimes. And knowing why is half the battle. Right?

On other subjects, Daniel and I went to a BITCHIN' concert on Sunday. It was a Combichrist concert, but there were two opening acts that got almost the same amount of time as the headliners. The first was "Dommin" which was a band of super nerdy goth boys with a lead singer who had kind of an Elvisy type voice. Yeah, they were corny, but I liked them a lot. The second band was "Blacklight Burns" and they put on a hell of a good show. The lead singer had like a little three-piece suit type thing going on (well, only two-piece because he wasn't wearing the coat), with facepaint on that made him look like he had a metal nose. He was also soaking wet and had a nice handlebar curled-up mustache that was either real or painted on, I couldn't tell. He danced like a crazy person, and was way into, and you could tell he was having a killer good time. The music was good too, even if I couldn't really make out what he was saying. The guitarist had this crazy white-boy type afro and the bassist had blackened his mouth. The drummer looked like some kind of criminally insane yokel? Combichrist was awesome too, and they were rocking the post-apocalyptic look. The crowd was pumped and there was a lot of pushing and elbowing and hitting, and sweaty, smelly, drunken ragers. I got shoved up against the stage and it was awesome for a while, until I was tired of getting hit and shoved. Then I made my way back over to Daniel. It was a great show.
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