Sep 07, 2005 16:01
being on 3 different cheerleading squads, and having all these tests, & homework is stressing me out! aHh.. & science has never been hard for me! its my best subject, but im struggeling so much! i dk what the hell we are dOing! ahh!
Well, today was fun. Last night I was almost asleep, & I was having this awesome dream about like being a squirrel & I was like jumping from trees.. and like all of my friends were there, they were squirrels too! and we were jumping off of the highest branches onto this trampoline that had like a target painted on it..and then we would bouce back up..oH anywayz.. in the middle of my dream i started to wheeze..& sometimes it happens to me when i sleep.. but i couldnt stop.. so i got up to get some water and i started to cough alot and like my chest hurt really bad..& sooner than u know i was having an asthma didnt scare me or anything because im so used to them since i was diagnosed when i was 4 or 5.. so i barley slept because my mom had to give me all of my medication & put me on my of course i got to sleep in.. & just blow off school! yeah so today i havent done anything at all! so its been pretty boring..
im so happy its almost fall! i love fall! not to hot, or cold, & i absolutaly love halloween! its my favorite! + my birthday is in november.. & fall puts me in such a good mood..haha i think this year for halloween me and liz r gunna go as paris & nicole or like the flight adendants from soul plane! hah! i love ya! bye