Jul 16, 2003 16:43
Pair Skater DJP: you made my computer moo too!
CutieDancerJams: I made your computer moo?
Pair Skater DJP: yes, when someone sends me a message it moos
CutieDancerJams: That's so cool!
CutieDancerJams: I want my comptuer to moo!
Pair Skater DJP: mine is right now
CutieDancerJams: How did you get it to moo?
Pair Skater DJP: edit options to edit preferances, to im/chat, then click on sounds
CutieDancerJams: Okay
CutieDancerJams: YAY!
CutieDancerJams: Mine moos too!
Pair Skater DJP: it sounds like a dying cow
Pair Skater DJP: lol
CutieDancerJams: LOL! It does!
Pair Skater DJP: poor cow
Pair Skater DJP: *pets it*
CutieDancerJams: *pets the cow too*
Pair Skater DJP: I wonder if i'm allowed to adopt the cow?
CutieDancerJams: I don't know
Pair Skater DJP: I want to
CutieDancerJams: Me too!
Pair Skater DJP: the poor thing needs a good home
Pair Skater DJP: it could play on my hockey team!
CutieDancerJams: A hockey playing cow
CutieDancerJams: Could a beaver play on the team too?!
Pair Skater DJP: no
Pair Skater DJP: too small
CutieDancerJams: No, you have to let the beaver play
CutieDancerJams: That's discrimination
Pair Skater DJP: it's too small
CutieDancerJams: No it isn't!
Pair Skater DJP: yes it is!
CutieDancerJams: No no no!
Pair Skater DJP: the cow could sit in front of the goal and no one could score
CutieDancerJams: My beaver could slide around with the puck in it's teeth
Pair Skater DJP: the beaver would get skated over and die
CutieDancerJams: And slide around the cow in the goal
Pair Skater DJP: psh
CutieDancerJams: And score
CutieDancerJams: Psh