
Feb 07, 2008 22:23

well, it looks like ill have to wait a bit on getting my nose pierced til geoff can take me. possibly sunday, when his car is fixed. after class this guy dave in my signing class came over to me and asked if i wanted to hang out at one of the cafe's near the college. seeing as no one ever asks me to hang out from school i said sure. it seemed to please him. he gave me his number. i called to see what was going on, he asked if i wanted to hang out tomorrow. all i had going on tomorrow is one class so we agreed to hang out for a bit. we'll see if he can keep a conversation going. *shrugs* i saw tim today though from last semester when i had art history =D damn i miss that kid. talking about the "cute" guys in class(only cuz he's gay and i found it histerical), taking naps in the lounge, i had art with him too. his was better than mine. :( meh...

i finally had pancakes tonight for dinner. num num.

im still sore. haha ugh iunno how to fix it...i put hot things on my muscles, i sleep, relax, stretch, nothing doooomed.
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