Read a 'Twissy' fic (smush names and I will never be friends) today which was *awkwardly reminiscent* of a particular older D/M fic. At least the second time I've read a Twelve/Gomez!Master fic and thought 'maaaaan, of course there's likely to be some influence from older D/M fic coming through, but that is a really *specific* unacknowledged influence, as in I can name the fic without going looking for it.' (You could say that new writers might be unaware of fic from a few years ago, but this looked to be more seasoned Who people.) Why not nod to the original fics? The little bit of credit the writers might lose in readers' eyes for not having Come Up With the device (if any) would be recompensed by making new readers aware of a bigger body of work, and thus more liable to read further/stick around in the fandom/give them more feedback.
I bet the writers read the fics in question when they came out, and have sort of--forgotten where they got this idea from. Which is excusable (I mean look at that whole album Bob Dylan accidentally stole from that poet), but also a little exasperating. It doesn't matter that much, but I do o_O at it.
Any Twelve/Gomez!Master delights or gripes of your own? (I know
predatrix was saying she found some of the way fandom was handling Gomez!Master's gender and age not entirely satisfactory.) What do you think about fandom history/how we preserve fannish knowledge and community/the ettiquite here? After all, you could say that fandom's not about individual authorship, and that I've got the wrong end of the stick--who remembers who invented Big Common Tropes? Any Twelve/Gomez!Master fic recs? (Please stay away from fic anti-recs here, though.) General discussion--how is the new incarnation shaking out for you? What other D/M or fandom stuff are you up to?