Podfic: Operator, Operator

Nov 15, 2011 11:06

As part of pod_aware I read and recorded all the stories I recced at calufrax. This was the first one I did and, in the end, the only Doctor/Master one. Please to be enjoying.

Title: Operator, Operator
Fandom: Doctor Who (Classic and New)
Author: neveralarch
Reader: aralias
Length: 6107 words // 31 mins, 15 sec
Rating: Adult
Pairing: Doctor/Master - One through Ten/Simm!Master
Author's Summary The Master works as a phone sex operator in order to kick-start his political career. That's it, really.
Rec on Calufrax: here.
Links audio // text

Speaking of podfic, I already plugged this a bit here, but I would really like it if people from this com signed up to my podfic fest: podtor_who. (I would like this because I am largely running it so I have more things to listen to, and I like Doctor/Master).

There's more info about how podtor_who is going to work, and more about why I think podfic is really good, at the info post, which is here.

If you want a starting place (though most authors are happy to agree if you write to them), best_enemies did a podfic challenge a while ago, and a whole host of B_E folk agreed to let their work be podficced in the comments to this post. You don't need to have anything specifically in mind when you sign up to podtor_who. You just have to be willing to record something.

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