Discussion Time: The Sensorites

Jun 19, 2011 13:39

At 8:00 BST tonight (approximately three and a half hours from now) we recommence the Ultimate Watchalong: All Of Time And Space with the Sensorites. Please come along to chat or make your feelings known here in the discussion post.  If you can't make chat or chose not to, that is NO PROBLEM, you are equally a part of this and encouraged to participate in all these other ways.

The Sensorites 

Discussion Post and Sketch/Drabble Challenge


* Put The Master In It
* Make It Shippy
* Whatever, Link Us Your Gen

'The Sensorites' becomes relevant in Ten era because the Ood resemble the titular species, and are stated to be genetically related to them. More importantly in terms of overall canon, Susan demonstrates telepathic powers in this serial, making this the show's first instance of psychic!TLs. One is surprised to find Susan's a good deal more psychic than he is. Good genes on the Master's side, I guess...


* FIND/PREP IT NOW IF YOU NEED TO DO SO. Still plenty of time! 
* PLEASE POST REVIEWS HERE, OR LINK TO THEM! Funny, insightful, whatever, we want it.
* Discuss!

ultimate watchalong: all of time and spa, era: 1, episode watch

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