Title: Variations on Forever (4/12)
janeturenneWord Count: This chapter: 11,500. Fic total: 120,000-ish
Pairing: This chapter: primarily Two/War Chief!Master, plus a few other Masters, including a bit of...pre-Three/Delgado, you might say? Other chapters: name any chronologically sensible Doctor/Master pairing, including the Shalka boys, and it's probably there.
Rating: This chapter: PG for violence and boykisses (some later chapters NC-17)
Warnings: None for this chapter
Beta thanks: to the marvelous
blackletterSummary: Wherein the Master attempts his first scheme for galactic domination, meets a childhood hero, and comes face to face with a whole new Doctor.
AN: Written for the Big Bang. Next chapter due Thursday. It'll probably help with this chapter to have seen The War Games, though I've done my best to make it accessible to those who haven't.
Chapter One lives
here, Chapter Two
here, Chapter Three
If you're going to be trapped on a worthless rock in the middle of nowhere, may as well be a god-king, that's what I always say.