Butterflies > Hurricanes.

Jun 22, 2010 10:52

It's all about Roberts!Master over here today. Wait, don't go just yet; no ridiculous robes or questionable bodily ejecta behind the cut, just a couple of illustrations for roachpatrol 's excellent Any Time At All . And oh-boy-oh-man-oh-woman-oh-non-gendered-nominative-term, are they fluffy.


You know when you read a fic and an image in it impresses itself indelibly on your mind, so then you sketch it and ink it and paint it and when you re-read said fic (because it's open in a tab to be linked to the post you're putting this picture in) you realise you got the colour of the flowers wrong?

But that the butterflies, by pure coincidence, are correct? The moral lesson we can take from this is not to paint at four in the morning.

Now, this isn't an illustration so much as a deleted scene, or rather an image my brain associates with Any Time At All but which is not actually in it.

master: roberts, fanart, pairing: eight/roberts!master

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