Title: Mircale
Pairing: Lumley!Docter/Pryce!Master
Rating: G
Author's Notes: I think the drabble was inspired by one of the Drabble challenges, but I just found it again in my search for fanfic that Yoda hasn't read so far. I would label it crack but since it is based on 'Curse of Fatal Death'... Also tagging unit, where is the 'Curse of Fatal Death'-tag? I think there should be one. I also think there should be more CoFD-crack-fic in general...
Disclaimer: Not mine, really, just playing.
Summary: The Rani has some good news for the Doctor and the Master, which might be bad for the rest of the universe. Flavia however is delighted about them.
“This is a miracle, a wonder, almost magical!” Flavia
Rani, who had discovered the true reason behind the Doctor's mysterious illness,
just snorted. “More of a disaster,” she commented dryly.
do you mean?” the Master asked, holding his wife protectively.
come on. With the two of you, the brat will either grow up to be a meddling,
incompetent saviour or a meddling megalomaniac who actually is successful. And I
don't know what would be worse.”
it could be a competent saviour,” the Doctor snapped.
it could be like Daddy.”
you mean I'm not successful?
Rani just rolled her eyes, while the Doctor pressed her husbands hand
reassuringly. “It means, that she doesn't know, what she is talking about,” she
said glowering at the scientist.
then the Doctor noticed, that Chancellor Flavia had been suspiciously silent
during their bickering and was talking lowly into an intercom.
“Excuse me, but what are you doing there?”
just informing everyone of the marvellous news, organising a small party, the
like,” Flavia smiled at her broadly.
Doctor's horror was mirrored in her husband's face.
“Run?” he asked desperately.
“Fast!” she responded.
they did.