Jul 07, 2005 19:36
I have this red...thing on my best that is really starting to bug me. When I first got it it was totally just a mosquito or spider bite in my mind, but I think it grew and then TERRIFIED ME. Now it's slightly smaller but sort of...bumpy? I don't know and all I can think is maybe the spider buried eggs in my chest and they're going to explode and crawl all over me and I'll probably die staring in absolute horror. Or it's just a bite still.
The virus thing started to creep my mom out even moreso and so last night before I had a chance to even attempt to salvage anything she redid windows completely downloading everything i've saved onto this computer since we got it. This includes all of my pictures, icons and yes even my music. In case you don't know me very well music pretty much defines my life and I am devastated. Especially since my norton internet security popped up while I was trying to reinstall limewire and I clicked something on it so now it won't connect and I can't download anything. At all. I'm so sad. Do any of you use anything besides limewire that maybe I could try? If it has given you any trouble do not give me the idea because if I get another virus death is surely imminent. The first song I wanted to download was Just What I Needed by The Cars because I cannot for the fucking life of me get over it right now and it wouldn't let me. Any other musical suggestions would be choice as well because I'll surely forget what I had and be confused often. Hm.
Had to go get the blood tests done today for the anemia and it took a grand total of 10 seconds. I think the girl taking it was younger than me and I'll get my results shortly. Happy, happy, joy, joy.
Work in about 20 minutes and it's of the outside variety. Not so bad except I'm really tired right now and am not in the mood to do anything. Fantastic Four and Dark Water come out tomorrow. Both seem promising which of course means both will be terrible. I have not seen a quality movie since Cinderella Man and I have pretty much seen every movie that's been out since than. Come on Charley and the Chocolate Factory. Desperately want to go out tonight but am very poor. Hoping for divine intervention here. Should tape Smackdown tonight, but won't. Do not care to see Christian jobbing on another television show. Yet.
Th-th-th-that's all folks.
Some girl I don't know is at my door asking me to drive her to the store....what the hell.
(on a completely unrelated note: yes I am very disturbed about the events in London, but I fear that me making any sort of comment on it now would be radical and completely off the wall and at some point probably offensive to some parties. Everything is going crazy.)