It's ironic that I'm posting this on "Feedback" day of Pod Aware...

Nov 11, 2011 23:55

...because I'm scared of what y'all will say about this XD

Fan artists love feedback and podficcers are no different. Feedback can motivate us, inspire our muse and help us create more of out art. However feedback on podfic can be rather light. To find out how you can help increase feedback for podfic check out pod_aware on LJ or DW.

I...okay. Normally I tl;dr all over the place in my podfic posts, but Imma just leave this one here. I think it speaks for itself -.-

Captain Equestria and the Iron Pony (Drunk!Version)
Avengers/My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Steve/Tony)
by valtyr
read by (drunken) bessyboo
runs 15:44

MP3 [10.95MB]: MediaFire | Audiofic Archive Page
Audiobook (M4B) [15.08MB]: MediaFire | Audiofic Archive Page

WARNING: aside from my little message at the beginning, THIS THING IS COMPLETELY UNEDITED!!! In fact, I haven't even RE-LISTENED to it. But nickelmountain assured me that I should post it, so here I am. Posting it. *sigh* I'm so sorry, you guys. *hides face in shame* I hope y'all find it funny, at least.

well at least i'm a happy drunk, !! podfic, it's like a revelation! (aka pod aware)

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