(no subject)

Feb 20, 2006 14:09

mmm...i just got back from lunch with jess. it was so good, and shes an amazing girl :-) yeah, thats another thing i forgot to mention last time. me andrea and rachel took jess snowshoeing some thursday night, and omg, that was so much fun. like ok, it sounds so stupid, put tennis racket tooking things on your feet and go tromping around in the snow. but it really was a lot of fun and i definately recommend it to anybody. its especially fun when youre stupid and step on a stick and slide down it, and somehow end up on your ass. or when the guy in charge of it says, oh the hills are fun cuz you can kind of like ski down them and he ends up falling trying to show you. or when you accidently step on rachels shoe so she falls and gets up to push you over. oh god...so many good memories from that night :)
hmmm....went to see stark play at the campus cabaret thing. dude. he is so good. i never would have guessed it, but he really is good.
last tuesday was valentines day. boo. its hard to explain why i hate it so much, but i really do. i dunno, maybe if for once i had a reason to like it, it might be different, but as of yet, other than the stupid little things which my family (which i do like), ive just never had a reason to enjoy it. and each year that little fact seems to become more and more obvious to me...oh well. its only one day.
the end of valentines day was enjoyable though. we were all out in the lounge when someone from the floor noticed there were people having sex on the 7th floor of lawrinson. so yeah....most of the floor just stood there watching for a while...odd kind of fun, but yeah, it was entertaining until someone went over and told them to shut the blinds. we did go over and leave a note on their door. good times.
and then theres the peep hole war with the girl across the hall. one of these days shes gonne come aroung the corner or open the door when we're looking in.
thanks to some certain girls on sadler 6, particularly michelle, an 'old' flame has been rekindled. we'll see if anything comes out of it this time...who knows...maybe? they, and by they i mean rachel and michelle, have been considering leaving a message to a certain someone supposedlly from me, so that i can go back later and say sorry, but to break the ice. oh yes...this is why i love my friends :-P
went to buffalo saturday. that was interestingly fun. met a lot of new people. learned how to play big booty, and a different version of egyptian ratscrew....hehe...umass has terets...good stuff. only bad part was the sleepiness. me and andrea were idiots and stayed up way too late friday night. ended up only getting like an hour of sleep, and then had to drive the next day. wasnt too bad til we got home. ended up missing most of the game. kind sad about that because i hear it was the best game of the year, but i was just so tired. like ok, my dad called me and i never heard the phone ring....i usually hear the phone when im sleeping. so basically i slept straight through from about, i'll say like 10 saturday til about 12:30 on sunday....that was nice though.
welp, i spose thats about it for now. enjoy.
much lovin.

hope all your dreams come true ;-)
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