Sep 07, 2004 22:40
Tuesdays are always a busy day. I have class from eight til eight. Not straight back to back, but still....Its a pretty intense academic day. Plus tonight we had a HPSA meeting tonight. There were like two hundred folks downstairs in the lobby for the meeting. Its pretty much mayhem in here now. Crazy.
Martha Jean and Peter are hanging out here ,kjnu lfkgjnhxklj gfnlzkn, (Andy just typed that. This better make him smile, because I'm leaving this in here at his request.) Grandma Tildy couldn't make it up here to hang out with us. She's too busy keeping out all the elephants. Yay for Peter's antics. They make me smile. He cheered me up today when I was on my way to the worst class ever (EN 321). A good dose of Peter can make anyone smile.
I have been grody sick for about a week now. I just don't feel good. Maybe its the change in all my medicines, or maybe its something more. I don't know. Bless their hearts, Trev and Andy tried their best to nurse me yesterday for a bit. Knowing that they care is nice, but boys just don't have the same touch that girls have. Daddy used to always be like that. Not much on compassion evne though I knew he loved me. Momma was the one I'd go to if I felt bad. She just knew what to do. Yay for girls who are gonna be moms one day. That's who you really need when you don't feel good, and your own mother is one hundred miles away.
Yesterday was a dramatic day. I'm glad Beaumont's okay. He's an answered prayer. I have never driven so fast or prayed so hard in a ten minute period. He's such a blessing....and most the time he's an encourager as I try to be a good RA. What an All-star. Then, sickness came my way....and then I had to pull the mean RA card on my boys last night. I felt bad, but ugly Bess came around last night. Drama, drama, drama.
I miss Stan so much. He was so central to my campus life last year. I think I took him for granted last year, and didn't even realize it. Its hard to believe he will be half a world away in less than two weeks. Talking to him the other night makes me really understand how you have to deal with the choices you make and be satisfied. Asking what if can drive you nuts. I trust that he is supposed to be going over to Hong Kong for a really special reason. I am just resistant to such a big change. He's so brave, on so many levels.
I am longing for something. Wish I could verbalize it. Or put my finger on it. I think I'm gonna pray about it.
I used to see the world in black and white
Now I find myself lost in a fog of grey
I thought the good guys always won the fight
But I've learned life simply doesn't work that way
I once believed if I loved others they would love me, too
But I've seen this isn't always so
I thought that inner peace would come from trusting who I am,
But it's really about trusting who I know
So when the winds of change try to blow me over,
And the shadows of confusion hide the truth
I will hope in the One who is forever,
I will run to You.
When I face the questions that seem to have no answers
And I know my friends are but a precious few
I will hope in the Love that never changes
I will run to You.
Though the perils of life seem so great
And hope seems so frail
You never fail, no
Shadows may not disappear
But You've always made it clear
Truth will prevail
You will prevail.