Oct 11, 2006 16:32
You'd think after 8 years of bike commuting to my office, 8 years of riding in the elevators with my bike, which I've been parking in the office since year one, that building security would know the damn score by now, but no-ooooo. I come in this morning, and the freight elevator, which is the elevator I usually take up to my office when I ride my bicycle to work, was broken (yet again!), so I took the garage elevator to the lobby so I can get on the passenger elevator, which I was explicity told years ago I can do by site security whenever the freight is out, which is fairly often.
Anyway, I'm waiting in the lobby for a passenger elevator, and the security guard starts to give me shit for having my bike, telling me I can't have it in the lobby. So I ask him just how else was I supposed get it to my office, but he's just going on about how I can't have it there, and blah, blah, blah, and I just can't believe that after 8 years, this guy is giving me a hard time. I'm like, hey, man, what the hell am I supposed to do, park it in the garage? Hey, my ass may be dumb enough to bicycle commute in Los Angeles, but I ain't no dumbass, I'm certainly not going to do something stupid like park my bike in the building garage, seeing as bikes parked down there tend to get stolen.
Well, I get on the passenger elevator anyway, and I'm hot enough that the first thing I do when I get to my desk is call building security and ask them why after 8 years and after having been told numerous times that my bike and I can use the passenger elevators whenever the freight isn't working, some guy in the lobby was suddenly giving shit for it. Well, I got an apology (which I didn't want) and was told that the guy was a "rover," who was just filling in because the regular security guard who works in the lobby was out. So I ask them if they could please make a point of filling in the "rovers" so they know the score and I don't end up getting hassled for nothing. Damn jerks.