(no subject)

Sep 03, 2009 00:33

(12:31:55 AM) Gr Johannsen: I accidentally burned a stripper with a cigarette
(12:32:47 AM) Gr Johannsen: haha, she looked shocked
(12:32:56 AM) Gr Johannsen: and I apologized and threw money at her
(12:33:06 AM) Gr Johannsen: and she kept saying, "aww, it's ok baby"
(12:33:15 AM) Gr Johannsen: and she went to kiss me on the cheek
(12:33:18 AM) Gr Johannsen: I cringed
(12:33:20 AM) Gr Johannsen: hardcore
(12:33:41 AM) Gr Johannsen: I thought a bouncer might throw me out
(12:33:47 AM) theambuhhh: LOL
(12:33:53 AM) theambuhhh: but then you s'd his d
(12:33:56 AM) theambuhhh: and all was okay
(12:34:00 AM) theambuhhh: actually sorry
(12:34:03 AM) theambuhhh: then KEVIN s'd his d
(12:34:04 AM) Gr Johannsen: kevin
(12:34:06 AM) Gr Johannsen: haha
(12:34:07 AM) theambuhhh: YES
(12:34:20 AM) Gr Johannsen: I was actually de-aroused from the experience
(12:34:34 AM) theambuhhh: i'm glad
(12:34:45 AM) Gr Johannsen: crap, my life is screwed
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