looong time, no recipe.

Mar 14, 2006 04:37

SO MUCH ALCOHOL and SOOOOO MUCH YUMMINESS at danielle's bbq a few days ago, i swear we still had half of what we prepared for breakfast the day after. it was... bodyshots, 50's-60's music, food chemistry experiments, domestic violence, ummmm among other things. A few of us got dressed up, but mostly people just came wearing whatever. Danni, carlos and i of course dressed up, as a hottie hippie, a greaser-boy and a mod chick respectively. But billie was the winner with the ass-kickingest accessories: hair extensions and a boy in the SHORTEST short shorts, joe. Pixies here! Cecile, chirpy, dre and mon came late, but with good vibes to share. Kian brought along a friend and his brother (TOTAL pimp in training, it's a scary-ya) I brought twister, but everyone else got drunk too quickly and it sat neglected by the piano. maria dropped by for maybe half an hour, and we had another non-talk. I actually enjoyed the party before it even happened. I guess i just got too worn out by all the running around all day, but i had a great time with danni just preparing everything.

so as not to be stuck with 7up and water all night, i made myself an entire pitcher of scrumptious sober sippin. But before i even fucking tasted it the guests had finished it all. yay. @_@ what i get for taking a year and a half to get ready, i guess. shitjesus, that twiggy makeup.

fuckallyoualcoholics blended tea
2 teabags blackberry sage tea (or anyberry tea)
1 lime
1 tsp honey
1 fistful mint
3 cups ice
water, of course
osterrrizer! no other blender will do
bendy straw

boil about 2 cups water, steep teabags for EVER. or until there's no essence left to squeeze out of them.
Pick dry/yellowed parts off of mint sprigs. Discard icky parts. Slice lime wheels out of half the lime, squeeze other half into blender. Throw half of everything else into blender. Turn up music. CRUSH. Stop. Stir a bit. LIQUEFY. Stir a bit. Add more ice. More tea when it gets itself stuck. Stir a little. More mint. CRUSH. LIQUEFY!!! Etcetera, etcetera.
Add honey to taste. Hang lime wheel off rim of glass (you gottaGOTTA).

in other news, the mission's on its 13th day, holy carp. which reminds me, i met a man the other day named Mr. Miyagi. This was at a party of some of my dad's colleagues.

Of course it wasn't pat morita, he's DEAD. and i realize it's a fairly common name, but it disquieted me anyway. FURTHER EXPLAINED
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