If you comment on this post, I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.
rivetkitten1. armchair psychology
I love trying to figure out how people work. Sitting down, listening to someone talk about the things that they do and trying to figure out why they do them. Some people are mechanically inclined. I like to think I'm good at figuring out people.
2. drunken wandering
Anyone who knows me knows I love drinking. When I'm drinking I love to wander around and see things in a completely different light. Drunken wandering is how you get to have drunken misadventures.
3. life's little inconsistencies
There are few things in life that are constant. I think it's important to look around you sometimes and think on that.
4. overthinking
Okay, this one isn't so healthy. I have a tendency to overthink and overanalyze just about everything, as Olivia can attest. I've been known to sit and think something over for so long that I'll drive myself nuts over it. My analytical nature can be a strength, though, so long as I keep myself from going overboard with it.
5. pointy things
I like swords, knives, axes... you know, pointy things!
6. questioning
This one probably goes along with number 4. I question the things going on around me, the actions of other people. I don't like to take things for granted. I want to know the why and how of them. It's not enough to know the answer, I like to know how it was reached. Most things should be questioned, else we grow lax. This doesn't even mean I have to find an absolute answer. I just like to raise the question. Questioning is different than doubting.
7. righteous and holy vengeance
Vengeance is not necessarily Just. Justice is not necessarily Vengeful. In some cases I do believe in an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. And I just like the way it rolls off the tongue...