The End of Arcana: Part 1

Sep 10, 2008 22:06

Ok, so here's to the easiest part of the Arcana ending. Easiest because it's the part I haven't really thought much about, despite the fact that it was coming up next: The big fight with Souichirou Tokuzawa and his gang of Reversed Arcana.

The conundrum: I made a big fuss about how much more united the Reversed Arcana were. The problem was how to portray this without basically creaming you guys. One I hadn't entirely worked out. But basically the idea was that you folks would go to the meeting place with the allies you managed to scrounge up. Ritsuko Izami was one, and I think the members of the Band were the others, but you didn't have many.

* Trivia: Incidentlally, Ritsuko was the King of Pentacles, and was going to have the power to create tremors.

Anyhow, so, you were going to be heavily outnumbered and fairly overpowered. But relief was going to arrive in the form of all the remaining Arcana that had not yet shown up, lead by Tomoyuki Kojirokawa.

* Trivia: Even though he only has a small part, I like Tomoyuki. He's one of my most unique characters.

The problem was, that still left you fairly outnumbered. How was I going to balance this? I dunno.

Possibly you would have been forced to rely on the artifacts to turn the tide. Or maybe I'd have Reiko show up, and have her presence upset Souichirou somehow. She didn't have much of a reason to help you, though, but maybe I could tie one in with another NPC. Not really important now.

Either way, somehow you had to end up with all the artifacts.

Following the fight, I probably would have ended the day and use the next few sessions to tie up some smaller loose threads, such as having Chikako ask Kyon out on a date. o/~ And resolving Hirokazu's dilemma. I'm sure there's some other stuff, but I can't really think of it right now.

Next up: The Ritual, and Just What Is Up With Those Bowling-Mask Guys.

*Trivia: I always wanted to run a game or write a story where the greatest final threat was a monster that couldn't be communicated with, yet had enough background to still be interesting. I hope I managed to do that with the Oni in this game.
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