Yesterday's wind storm was brief, but still managed to knock out power to about 89000 people. Living in the heart of the city, we only suffered the short indignity of a 30-second power outage which interrupted my Guild Wars session. The power was back on before I could locate a flashlight in the dark.
In the wee hours of the morning it started snowing, and left about 3-5 centimeters (1-2 inches) of snow on the roads by the time most people were up and about. The City of Vancouver clearing crews (or salting/sanding/take your pick) did a good job and all the main roads in Vancouver were already cleared. This afternoon the temperature hovered around the freezing mark, though it kept trying to snow all day - though it was a very light, powdery snow, and there was no accumulation. Until late this afternoon, that is. Right now it's shy of 6 pm, and there's the better part of 2 inches of fresh snow on the ground again. I don't have that long of a drive (20 minutes or so - it'll probably take about 35 today), but most people in Vancouver are idiots and can't drive in the snow, so I'm actually going to wait at work for a while until there are less people on the road. Fortunately when it's snowing many people head home early, which means that the roads start clearing around this time.
Today I'll take my "alternate route" home -
Oak St. Bridge - which is not the fastest and most direct route, but helps get me into Vancouver more quickly than Knight St., and gives me more options for avoiding large hills. That's not to say that there aren't any hills to deal with, but I have more options. With Knight St., it is very direct, but as soon as you cross the bridge there is a substantial hill to head up. I'm mildly concerned that there will be a lot of people losing traction on that particular hill - possibly myself included, as the tires could use replacing at this point and don't have as much tread as I would prefer.
Anyways, woo, snow! Maybe I'll take some nice pictures today, but they won't be of Comet McNaught. I'm still hoping to see that thing, but there's more overcast weather on the horizon.