Jan 05, 2007 11:57
Inconceivable! I had forgotten to mention a dream that I had last night. It's rather unusual because I'm not that into the whole "shooting people" thing.
For some reason, I was in the military, and armed with some kind of automatic assault rifle. I was *somewhere*, pinned down in a fire fight. After hiding behind some cover, I peeped out and returned fire. A bit of back-and-forth later, and apparently I had killed the other gunman. That wasn't disturbing enough, so my brain cut to the next scene. Some comrades and I were inside a bunker or barracks of some kind, and for some reason an unescorted (and unarmed) prisoner wanders in. We tell him to sit along the wall, and for whatever reason I'm the only person with a gun, so I end up guarding him. At some point he gets up and starts moving towards one of my fellow soldiers - not fast or threateningly, but he keeps going despite me shouting warnings at him and pointing my gun directly at him. Everyone else is apparently oblivious to this, and the guy refuses to stop, so I shoot him too. Then I go and sit in the corner and cry, and my bunnies (?!?) hop over to visit me. Little Boudicca knows that I'm sad, so she hops up on my chest and licks my cheek.
Then I wake up and can't go back to sleep, because I've just killed two people. Sure, I didn't really kill them, but it took the better part of an hour to convince my brain that it didn't really happen, it's okay to think about something else, and it's time to sleep again. Ugh.