Читаю отличную книгу Do Good Design: How Design Can Change The World про социально ответственный дизайн Дэвида Бермана. Не могу не поделиться этой страницей. Привожу в оригинале, не нашел хороший русский перевод.
‘Do Good’ Manifesto by David Berman
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
MAHATMA GANDHI (1869-1948)
Have a personal mission. Rethink. Know what you need, then seek
out products that will fi t you for a long time. Read Cradle To Cradle.
Demand objects that are designed to last. Avoid disposables.
Carry one great pen. Carry chopsticks. Carry your own shopping
bag. Carry a tune. Be happy with your hair. Give ideas as presents
more often, things less. Give a gift subscription to Adbusters.
Eat less junk. Eat fewer animals. Avoid bottled water. Drink local
beer. Seek simple entertainment.
Have fun. Remember that youare already beautiful
(and embrace those who have told you so).
Avoid style magazines: fashion is declawed rebellion, and a weak
substitute at that. Entertain yourself simply. Don’t leave your car
idling (except in Wasilla). If you don’t have democracy, fi ght for it.
If you do have democracy, fi ght to keep it. Then vote for lawmakers
who will make laws that control visual lies and will regulate
products that steal dreams. Shake off the excessive amount of stuff
you have in your life, then see how much lighter you feel. Plan more
carefully, so you can consume more effi ciently. Resist all messages
that seek to convince you that you need to consume in order to feel
good. If shopping is your hobby, fi nd a more sustainable hobby.
If shopping is your habit, fi gure out why. Avoid products made of
pvc, the hazardous waste of the display industry. Buy products that
tell the truth. Resist designer products unless you see the value the
designer has contributed. Resist being manipulated by visual lies.
Resist giving up your mental environment to corporations that
wish to post billboards in your mind. Don’t get too comfy.
Stay alert. Demand truth. Share your truth. Speak out when you see
visual lies. Think about how you can apply the principles in this
book to all professions. Lead by example. Teach it. Live it. Share it.
Design your better future, then help us all design ours.
P.S. Книга действительно очень хороша и я рекомендую ее почитать всем, не только дизайнерам.
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