The Coven: Screentest

May 02, 2006 09:55

Currently in pre-production for this story I'm working on. Part of the pre-production bizzo is putting together the characters and talking lots and lots of photos to see how they work together and whether anything needs to change. Julien is just about perfect (♥), and the other three don't need to be astoundingly pretty (though Caspar? REALLY CUTE), but Saph is more difficult. I really wanted her to be pretty but unique-looking, and the two are not meshing well, and there are some angles/locations where she looks plain scary.

Aaaaaanyway, I threw together a few of my favourite pics from the last couple of photoshoots, and figured I'd share them.

First up, the blackscreen pics. I've actually got nearly 50 of these. XD


Julien (who, apparently, was not cast for his acting talent. -_-)



As-Yet-Unnamed (er, heh)

Then, I did them all up in their getup, including period clothes and vampireness for the relevant parties. This is actally a combination of two shoots, because I couldn't decide whether I wanted the vamps to have red eyes or not. I'm leaning towards not.

^ This is Poppy complete with scarring and cross-burn. I'm surprised by how much I like the way this turned out. I wanted to give her one bloodshot eye too, but you can't, I don't think, because of the way the face thingies are done in BodyShop. Pity.

^ Caspar. Haven't decided about his hair yet. Short? Long?

^ Julien. Was just testing this hair. I... don't know if I'll use it. I may do a recolour so it matches the other blond hair better. We'll see.

^ As-Yet-Unnamed, rejecting Caspar for a game of red hands. Ouch.

^ "Jun, ken, pon! Aikou deshou! Jun, ken, pon!" Saph and Ju are having no such trouble playing nicely.

^ Sapphire being pretty. I will probably use this hair. It sits a little high for my taste, but is otherwise the closest I can find to one of the styles I'll want her in.

^ Saph again. I like her profile. It's so... weird. XD

^ And again. Awh, she's smiling. Wild. XD

^ Julien checking out As-Yet-Unnamed's bodacious bod (hi simantics!).

^ I'm guessing Poppy's winning.

And, because I cannot resist, me playing around with various design cheats. Also still screentesting Saph and Ju. Ju is perfect. ;_; Saph needs a little work.

^ Ignore the fact that her arms are going right through his leg and concentrate on the overall feel of the pic. ;)

^ Creepy! :D

^ Still Creepy! I love when their gaze goes in exactly the right direction. Bless you, my little simmish friends.

^ This pic makes my heart hurt a little bit. ♥

^ Inside! Who knows what Ju's arm is leaning on. I sure don't.

^ And, fairly standard cuddling-nose-nuzzling anim.

For yours truly's reference.
  • Fix Poppy's eyebrows.
  • Mess with the vampire skins a bit--they're coming out uneven between head and body.
  • Set Saph's eyes deeper.
  • Note: Saph and Ju both photograph better inside at night--try to keep their outdoor excursions to a minimum.
  • Make sure the Julien sims in early chapters is the one WITHOUT scarring & tattoos.
  • Sets needed for first chapter: Beauleigh, Whitechapel Whitehall [not that I guess anyone will understand the distinction. Heh] (Charles II sim?), Versailles (incl. garden maze and sundry corridors), Unnamed Bed-and-Breakfast (or is that Ch. 2)?
  • Cast John Dantes, teen, adult.
  • Sort out whole assignment-writing-for-adults thing.
  • Is it possible to pull out a complete list of possible animations (incl. couple ones) and set them off at will? Reaction testers various seem to only have a few of them. Look into this.
  • Name As-Yet-Unnamed. Ok, this isn't urgent. But it should be done.
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