Phwoar - another bumper Euro-update - and this time I want feedback, peeps!
Ireland have won 7 times - this won't be number 8. Whiney, tuneless, over the top. It's streets ahead of their last offering - but, that's not saying much - sending drunk Sean the flasher would have been better than that shambles... On reflection, it'd have been better than this too... 3/10
Every Song Is A Cry For Love Well, at the moment, it's in Icelandic - which is closely related to old English (useless fact of the day) - the title means 'Congratulations, Iceland' - A song about the singer, Silvía Nott, and how lucky we all are to have her and Iceland in the contest... erm... pushing your luck, anyone? Last year's Icelandic entry (sung by the lovely Selma) had some serious tempo issues - this has tempo and tune issues - it's all over the shop, and not in a good way. Can't see this setting Athens ablaze, unless her outfit is made of nylon, and the dance routine is as exuberant as we've come to expect from our Nothern cousins... in that case... there will be a small fire... still won't help the song tho. 5/10
Til Hamingju Ísland Apparently, there was this fella called 'Johnny', and as luck would have it - he was rather taken with 'Conny' - fancy that - I think someone gave the Danes a rhyming dictionary for Christmas. Normally, scandie countries can translate their songs into English without flinching, or causing a flinch. This is rubbish - truly one of the worst Danish songs I've ever hear... ever. 3/10
Twist Of Love Belongs in a musical - not a West End one, either. Coming on the heals of last year's Swiss song 'Cool Vibes' which was actually brilliant - this is a real let-down. 3/10
If We All Give A Little It's a Flemish year... so, of course, the song is... erm, in English, with a French title... of course. Actually, for the first time in over a decade, I can't make fun on the Belgian song. I like it. This is pure Eurovision power-pop. Kate Ryan could well confound expectations with this - it's simple, but not too simple, sticks in the head, and, depending on the performance, could well be a serious contender. It'd do well from a draw along side Norway - the contrast would help both songs. 8/10
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