I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, deedledee.

Jun 29, 2005 22:02

Little dead around here, huh?

If any of the pictures don't show up, reply with a comment and I'll fix them. Geocities is a bitch.

Name: Mallory
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Location: Washington D.C.
How I heard of you: Shameless promotion


9 Things which I am overly dependant upon (and why)
-A television, so I can watch poker and billiards tournaments exclusively.
-Electric tea kettle, for my tea, because I loathe soda.
-Clothes, obviously, because I chill easily. Low blood pressure is a bitch.
-Radio, for the music and news (BBC and World Report, none of that Fox News shit).
-Hair product, because I have a lot of hair and it frizzes.
-Lotion, because who says white girls can't get ashy.
-Writing journal, all three of them.I'm obligated now that I'm a professional writer.
-Temporary bronzer, since I'm presumably a partial albino and I can't hold a tint of color.

Best Bands
-Metallica (before they became wussy)
-Dave Matthews Band (don't judge me)
-U2, hands down due to their long-term popularity
-REM, for the same reason
-The Cranberries
-The Artist Formerly Known as Prince (since he did generate most of his better stuff after the whole contract issue)

Five Coolest Movies ever made
-Lord of the Rings trilogy (ug, sorry)
-Pulp Fiction
-Fight Club
-Interview with a Vampire

3 Most Important Qualities in a Person + Why
-Knowledge of the self-- if a person has been too preoccupied with other things to soul search and find out what makes them tick, then he or she is probably going to lack personality.
-Life experience. The one thing that makes you interesting and valuable to other people is the sharing of your own life experiences and consequently the lessons that come from that.
-Humor. Humor makes most daily life tolerable, especially in the life and time we live in. Humor is necessary for a healthy mentality, and people like other people who are healthy and stable.
Edit: Most Important Person in History and Why
Adolf Hitler, noit because he was an especially good man, but because he taught the world not to be so trusting of everyone, especially influencial politicians. He also paved the way for the U.S. to step up and become a real (and only) worldwide superpower, which while egotistical was vital to what we know today as our adequate quality of life.
Opinions on..
War: Though it will happen from now until mankind blasts itself off the face of the earth, war will happen, but since it's been agreed that war is the result of a lack of communication, I think war could be discouraged if we disregard language/tongue/dialect and communicate how we feel from one country to another. Politics bars that kind of intimate communication on a large scale.
Abortion: It is bad to kill another living thing, but a cluster of tissues and cells technically is not a human being. Besides, we're gonna get overpopulated anyway. It's only a matter of time before the republicans change their tune when they realize they're drowning in people, waste, and the consequent pollution created by this 300% influx in population.
Iraq: Well, we're there now. Can't pull out until either they kill all our guys or we kill all of theirs.
Death Penalty: I think life in prison is more punishment than a quiet, quick death.
Religion: I don't want to disrespect, but religion has caused more wars and more deaths throughout history than any conflict between nations. Remember that most religions preach non violence and treasurement of human life. I guess when it comes down to saving face, they'll cut up a muslim/christian/jew or two without regard to their own hipocrisy. I wish they'd just decide on a platform and stick to it, like the Buddhists. Those are some level headed, mellowed out dudes.
Euthanasia: It punishment to allow any living thing to suffer needlessly for the sake of only comforting friends and family of that person. If they want to go, let them go. As far as animals, they should be allowed enough dignity to die if they aren't going to make it.
Gay Marriage: I don't understand how the U.S. government could admit they were wrong and allow full citizen rights to minorities and partial rights even to non-citizens and aliens, but look to gays and day "you are a second class citizen and not deserving of your full rights". First of all, the government has no right to intervene in the domestic matters of its citizens. Secondly, just because they're not procreating doesn't mean that they must be punished for it. Finally, I think the U.S. government needs to stop catering so much to the evangelist christians and start paying attention to the 80% of the population who's otherwise opinions they have been ignoring on the issue.

Fav. icecream flavor? Rasberry cream
Tell a joke: An old man, tortured by his heavy conscience, goes to speak with his Rabbi one morning. He tells him that during the war, he hid his identity as a Jew from the Germans. The Rabbi said "You were protecting your life and your future. Do not let your conscience plague you for living a long life dispite your hardship". The man also explain to him that that was not all-- he also helped a Jewish girl hide from the Germans when they came to search his village-township. "That was very selfless of you," said the Rabbi, "but why is this causing you guilt?" "Well," the man said, "the girl was so grateful to me that she gave me sexual favors. I continued to hide her and she continued to service me." The Rabbi paused a moment to consider this. "She was grateful to you, and her.. gifts were for her to give. You should not be ashamed, you have not decieved her in any way." The man sighed and said, "well that's a relief! Maybe I should tell her that the war is over?"
Write a haiku:

Dad says you're too old
For me to sit in your lap
Please stop stalking me

What's most important to you? Being successful and maintaining the quality of life I now have.
Tell us about your future: Graduating college, getting a masters degree, finishing my novel and marrying my italian, film-connosieur boyfriend.
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why? Read minds, because if I could read minds, I could thwart criminals and maybe even a terrorist.
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Image that describes you:

Lost and a little overburdened.
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