ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts

May 14, 2005 04:08


[X]Name: Liz

[X]Age: 14

[X]Gender: female

[X]Location: charlotte NC

[X]How you heard about us: search on thunderstorms. I love to watch them. its peaceful and soothing. I no I’m weird.

[X]post at least 2 clear shots of your face, but no more than 5. Also, no nude photos in your app. look at the end of my app for my reasons on why I don’t take pictures of my self obsessively. Here are latest ones: newest>
 not newest>

**my hair is not permed. For who ever may think it is, it isn’t. This isn’t a good pic. Of my hair, but my hair is naturally cork screw curly


[X]Nine things you couldn't live without and why (excluding the basic air, water, food, shelter, etc.)

~Computer: I love my computer. I listen to almost all of my music on it, and I type and communicate on it. Computer = love

~TV: I have a schedule of things I watch. 24 on Monday. House on Tuesday, Wednesday is lost and alias, Thursday the OC and CSI. They get me through a stressful week.

~Pen and Paper: I am constantly writing stories, poems ect.

~Books: I read all the time. If I didn’t I would be lost.

~My Flannel bed sheets: ha-ha. I love the way they feel their so soft! (Don’t take the wrong way)

~Car/ Parent to drive car.: to get around of course.

~Music: it is an expression of who you are, and it is peaceful. Music calms me.

~Chucks: I live in my chucks. if I could sleep in them, I would

~Eyeliner.: I no these last 2 are sort of pathetic but I ran out of things. I always put eyeliner on, so if I didn’t have any, I just wouldn’t be me.

[X]Seven greatest bands of all time.

Elvis. He revolutionized music

Three days grace

The killers



The Exies

[X]Five coolest movies ever made.

*Moulin Rouge (sp?)


*New Best Friend

*Center Stage

*Big Fish

[X]Three most important qualities in a person and why.

+They must be oppionated. I don’t like talking to a brick wall.

+They can’t be fake. I cant stand fake people.

+They cant say 'like' in every sentence. It gets old, and annoying

[X]Most important person in history and why.

~: Abe Lincoln. He abolished slavery. i think slavery is stupid and those damn white people should have stopped being lazy and took care of their own shit. It’s so stupid to treat some one differently because of their skin color or their race.


[X]War: It is pointless. Why do we have war any ways? Because we are all jealous of each other and feel the only way to be superior to the other country is to bomb the hell out of them.

[X]Abortion: I DISAGREE. You shouldn’t have sex if you’re not ready to risk a child. of course there are acceptations, like if you are rapped.

[X]Iraq: Right now I think that we shouldn’t be pushing Iraq to be like the United States. I think that Bush should do something more valuable with his speech impediment and go choke on a pretzel’s actually don’t really think that, I would never really wish some one to die...I just don’t like Bush and I don’t think he should be running our country.

[X]Death Penalty: If you commit something really bad, yes you should get punished. Like if you kill some one, it’s only appropriate that you get the death penalty.

[X]I think that every one should have a religion just so you believe in something. [X]Euthanasia (animal and human): (I read the definition! but some one has to tell me how to say it)I don’t know if I completely understand the meaning but if I read it right, it sounds like killing some one to put them out of their misery? If it is that then yes I agree with it. Nobody should suffer. I don’t care who you are, you’re still a person.

[X]Gay Marriage: I have no problem with it. If you love some one, it shouldn’t matter if their the same sex as you. It’s kind of stupid to have boundaries on which you should and shouldn’t love. I’m not lesbian but my step sister is and she is married and I love her same.


[X]Favorite ice cream flavor? Cherry Garcia

[X]Tell a joke: Why didn’t the snowman cross the road? Because he saw the snow blower coming.

[X]Write a fucking haiku. Pronto: Eyes full of thick clouds, Teeth of steel I see them gleam, I’m totally fucked. Yep. There’s a haiku. If you can understand my randomness YOU GET AN A+!

[X]What's most important to you? To be happy, and for people around me to be happy. I don’t like it when people are sad. But hey it happens. (I’m basically sad all of the time. but hey its ok cus nobody knows because I’m hyper and talkative some times.)

[X]Tell us about your future: I am going to be an English major and I’m going to be an Art major. So if I can’t do my dream job and be a writer, I will teach people art.

[X]If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why? To read peoples minds. I don’t like how people keep EVERYTHING to them selves. It’s hard to try to read people. Even though I’m exactly like the people I said above.

[X] Promote us somewhere. Now prove it. Go to ..Got it in Writing..

[X] Post a picture that embodies you and would convince us to let you in.

me when i was little. hahahah.

****I do not have a lot of picture of myself. I don’t have a digital camera or a phone camera. If I’m lucky I have a disposable camera and about 10 of them are sitting on my dresser not developed. I’m sorry I don’t obsess about myself and randomly take pictures of myself.

so why is the community named after a spanish soap opera? just wondering.
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