Jul 03, 2006 22:46
im tired.
sick and tired.
sick and tired
of nonsense.
new rules:
do not open
your mouth
to me
if all that comes out
is untrue.
i would rather
not hear you at all
than hear all of that.
do not think
that you are
or impressive.
chances are high
that i see right through
you and your act.
those who think
they are the slickest
are most often just
i will no longer
keep you around
for my entertainment.
i will instead
call you out
and leave you gone.
do not spit game
or try and be smooth.
i am so over that.
i am a woman, not a girl.
do not insult me.
come at me real,
then we'll talk.
do not come
crying to me
if you arent willing
to wipe my tears.
this happens way too often.
i am tired of hearing it all
and not having anyone
give the time
to hear mine.
i am also tired of hearing
"im here for you
whenever you need me"
cause that is rarely ever
the case.
so, if you come sulking
looking for a shoulder
or a piece of advice
and you are turned away -
perhaps you should have
listened when i tried
to look for the same
do not take me for granted.
i am faithful.
i will be by your side
until the end.
other side of the planet
or right next door.
do not take that for granted
and assume that you can ignore me
and pass me off for something better
and then pick me right back up
when you are bored.
that is not friendship,
that is friendshit.
if we are friends, maintain it.
i am sick of maintaining friendships
that end up one-sided.
i have good friends,
i have great friends,
i have people i know,
and then i have others.
pick your category and go with it.
i am sick and tired
of being made a fool.
i am no longer
the nice
you once knew.
do not expect me
to take all the shit
and get nothing in return.
i will not turn petty
and point out all the wrongs.
you'll know.
all i need is right here on my sleeve.