The Costuming Process: Day One

Aug 06, 2011 20:46

The first day of working on a costume is always the least satisfying. Why? Because it's the day that you spend figuring everything out and not actually doing anything that gets you a visible return.

I spent today doing just exactly that, working on my Romana 2 costume. Riding breeches, big coat, over-long scarf, all pink and red and white. Essentially, it's a girlie version of the fourth Doctor's outfit from the same adventure.

I have a pattern to work with on the riding breeches, however it is a period (1910s) pattern and needs some alteration. Not to mention, the pattern's instructions are... less than clear in places...

I'm starting with a late Victorian coat pattern in order to get the tailoring right. This I am doing only after spending a good three hours measuring and pinning and measuring and marking and pinning pattern fabric on myself to get the beginnings of a completely custom pattern. I really don't know what I was thinking.

This process, while unsatisfying and often frustrating, pretty much always pays off in the end. It gives one a better understanding of how the finished product will need to go together. And it ensures that it will fit right and look right.

Tomorrow, there will be a (hopefully) quick trip to the fabric store and then onward on the riding breeches and maybe the coat, if I'm lucky.
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