Mar 11, 2007 15:32
I was up in Green Bay this weekend for my dad's birthday and it seems like whenever I go home my family and I have movie marathons. I just love it because I love movies and actually haven't gotten to watch too many lately.
We watched both Little Miss Sunshine and the Departed this weekend and I just loved them both. I always know a good movie when I find myself thinking about it afterward. I swear I haven't been able to get The Departed out of my head. All last night I dreamt about the mafia and all today I keep thinking about how great the acting was and wondering about some open ends that were left. And oh gosh has my eigth grade crush of Leonardo DiCaprio ever resurfaced! He is such a great actor and so beautiful!
I was reluctant to see the Departed because I don't like blood and we started watching it late last night, so I wanted to watch a feel good movie before bed instead of a violent one. However, I am glad I watched it. If you haven't, you must.
Same with LIttle Miss Sunshine! I laughed harder in that movie than I have in a long time. HOwever, I was pretty much the only one laughing... I think it might be a Napolean Dynamite type of film, that you don't really realize how funny it is until after you have seen it once. However, for me, it was roll on the floor- tears streaming down your face funny.