Oct 22, 2008 17:50
Yeah, I love ECS! I've been paying attention to the signs around me and getting to know the people who work there. I got to know one technician and we hit it off, real nice guy! He wanted to get into security and I since I've been in security for over 2 year before, I helped him with a lot of information.
Then I found out another technician is a hunter, something that I always wanted to learn, esp. killing and preparing deer, He said he'd hook me up with some deer meat! i LOVE deer meat!
One of the geo-technicial scientists is into weapons and ammo, something that I've been meaning to save up on for a long time (I just have a bad feeling). He is going to help me pick out a weapon and he's got tons of ammo! Not to mention a place to zero my weapon and stuff.
Then the soil scientist listens to WRVA 1140 and is also a libritarian, and a Ron Paul supporter! Someone I can talk about politics and help keep me informed. We agree on virtually everything political.
Alright, then here is the kicker...there is another technician, she raises wolf hybrids! YEAH! As soon as I get my own place, I'm getting me one. She said one of her dogs just got a litter of 8! Need help? ;)
Then today, I'm walking through the office, and you know where they usually have a misson statement framed up somewhere? Yeah, I'm looking at ours and there is a symbol of a wolf howling as the background!!! That keep me smiling the rest of the day, not to mention the large framed painting of wolfs in the office as well. Teehee!
Finnally, one of the head engineers is starting to take notice of me, I represented him today at a construction site, talking with the superintendent of the site about his shrik-swell soil issues and obtained some bulk soil samples and some other crazy 'important looking' stuff. Just like that...and I did it...wow, what a day!
Big day tomorrow, tons of work to do in the soils lab, I plan to get there early! Cheers!