Mads was in a comparatively good mood today, considering how much he had had to drink the night before. He really only remembered about half the conversation. And so he couldn't even remember the Swede's warning, that, and he didn't remember being blunt enough to embarrass the Finn. He did remember asking really personal questions, but he couldn't really remember the Finn's responses. Not that it was a big deal or anything really. Tino always took his shit patiently.
"On a high, on a high, on a high holiday, on the very best day of the year, little Matty Grove to the church did go the Holy Word to hear." He mutteringly sang to himself, it had been in his head all day. He was approaching metal shop by the time he'd reached the last verse. "Little Matty lay dead on the floor. And then Lord Arlen he took his wife, he sat her on his knee. Saying who do you like the best of us, Mattie Groves or me. And then spoke up his own dear wife never heard to speak so free. I'd rather kiss one dead Mattie's lips than you and your finery. Lord Arlen he jumped up and loudly he did bawl. He stuck his wife right through the heart and pinned her against the wall. A grave, a grave, Lord Arlen cried, to put these lovers in. But bury my lady at the top for she was of noble kin."
*CRACK* The Dane wasn't even completely though the door before Berwald's fist connected and made a satisfying Bone meeting flesh noise.
The Dane staggered back from the blow. "I warned you rövhål! Our Sex life is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! He couldn't get to sleep last night he was so embarrassed. He's shy enough without you making it worse!" Berwald growled.
Everyone is the class just stared at the sudden out of character display. Even the teacher frankly. Did the tall quiet giant actually just physically assault someone?
He'd not even seen what happened, he could guess, but he had gone from opening the Metal Shop door to laying on his back in the hall, his feet still in the door, looking up at the florescent lights on the ceiling with a sharp pain in his nose. "Ow, mother fuck?" He questioned... it was a strange way to ask 'what just happened to me?' He felt something dribbling down over his lips. He licked them and tasted the irony rich metallic taste of his own blood. Oh his nose was bleeding like a tap.
He glared up at the giant that was roaring at and glaring down on him. What. the. Hell. The big pussy actually got up the balls to punch him in the head.
He may have been an emotional and mental bully to the giant since kindergarten and he had swung at him before, but he'd never actually made contact with the troll. Well. The Svenk Trold was going to have to learn the very first rule about picking a fight...
Never pick a fight if you're not prepared to get your ass kicked.
"You cocksucker!" He roared, up on his feet in a blink, disregarding the blood on his nose and chin as he launched himself at the Swede, making harsh contact with his torso. His intention was to get him down on the ground. Then that stupid height advantage would be lost.
Berwald had been prepared. Oh he KNEW the Dane's brawling tactics. If he thought he was going to knock Berwald off his feet on solid ground when people couldn't knock him over on ICE, the Dane was SORELY mistaken.
Berwald braced for the charge and when The Dane shouldered him, and it was a good contact, no doubt. Berwald reached under and gave three swift punches to the Dane's kidneys.
Just because he DIDN'T fight, didn't mean he didn't know how.
"GET. OUT. OF. MY. LIFE!" Berwald punctuated his kidney punches with growling through gritted teeth.
Ow, ow, ow. Well. Okay that didn't work. Maybe that was a bad idea. Okay. Hind sight. Don't try to knock down mountains. Let's be more reasonable here Mads.
Many of the students got out of the way, figuring this was going to be something they didn't want to possibly get wrapped up in. Even the teacher was hesitating to jump into this mess.
The Dane started spewing curses in his native tongue, plenty similar enough to Berwald's so that only these two in the room could understand them. There were no other Nordic people in their class. Mathias was in a fight now, and so he respected no topic as forbidden. Anything to make Berwald madder, more in a rage, and perhaps he would leave himself open. Mathias attacked anything, Berwald's parents (despite not knowing of what his father had done. No one bothered to tell him because he couldn't keep a secret), his dog, his manhood, his heritage, his capacity for verbal speech, his relationship with Tino, and even the age difference between Berwald and Tino, knowing how very angry that made the Swede.
Oh it was GAME ON... "Jag har haft den med dig! Du skadade mentalt skitstövel. Jag varnade dig. Jag är ingen pedofil! Säg adjö till din manlighet, jag på väg att slita bort det!" Berwald growled, grabbing Mathias by the throat and slamming him against the metal lockers out in the hall.
He saw RED. It was as if he was having an out of body experience now. Normal Berwald was somewhere standing back horrified at his own behavior and this BERSERKER BERWALD was in charge. His glasses were broken and laying somewhere on the floor, his lip was bleeding, he was probably going to have a black eye but none of that mattered.
What mattered was choking he ever loving shit out of the bane Dane of his existence. ONLY WHEN HE WAS DEAD would Berserker Berwald seeing RED be please.
It was this very visible and total SHIFT of Berwald's behavior that stirred the teacher into action.
"HEY! HEY! HEY! Knock it off you two! right now! BERWALD! MATHIAS!" he teacher yelled trying to verbally bust up the danger zone first.
Mads had only a few seconds of time to panic, he scrambled, trying to rip the bear claw off his throat, he couldn't breath, his feet weren't adequately touching the ground. He was using both his hands to try to claw free. He'd never admit how grateful he was when another teacher came to join the break up. The bigger of the two grabbing onto Berwald, and the other managing to rip him clear of Mathias' windpipe and then hold back the gasping Dane, who still had a little fight left in him, but not enough to get away from the teacher. Both teacher hoped to hang onto the warring bodies until the Dean could arrive on the scene and figure out what was going on here.
"JUST WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" Bellowed the normally cheerful Dean. He looked at a spitting mad Mathias Jensen. He was no surprise, he got into regular scuffles and this one looked to be a DOOZY. The hallway looked like a murder crime scene with the amount of blood flung everywhere. It was even on the god damn ceiling. Most of it coming from the Dane's nose.
But the shock was a blood-rage angry... BERWALD OXENSTIERNA? That gentle giant had finally cracked. It had only taken a decade for the Dane to finally push his favorite teasing target over the edge.
What worried Marcus was Berwald, who knew the boy had real viking blood still left in him and was a genuine berserker. It was rather terrifying actually.
Marcus had a bottle of water and just poured it over Berwald's head to snap him out of his rabid fit and then turned to both youths.
"First go to the nurse and get this bleeding stopped. Then you both have two hours worth of DETENTION after school today in my office." Marcus Said glaring at both young men, daring them to argue. He was just a tall and strong and had many decades worth of experience under his belt.
Detention was nothing new to the Dane. And he had a certain satisfaction in the fact that he'd busted the Svenk Trold's lip open and smashed his glasses. He may have a broken nose, but he didn't care. He let it go.
They were accompanied to the nurse's office by the two teacher that had restrained them standing between them, just in case the brawl fired up again.
"What do you have to say for yourself Mr. Jensen?" The nurse asked him, probably the billionth time since they met. "I have to say that blood tastes really metallic." He said, once again licking around his lips trying to clean it up like the barbarian he was. "Stop it and hold still." The nurse scolded, getting to work on the organ on his face. Luckily, it wasn't broken, but it was probably going to swell.
Berwald just waited his turn silently. He was still angry as hell, wet, he couldn't see for shit but he had SATISFACTION. The Dane's nose would never be pretty again, that was for certain. He had made good on his threat of face rearranging.
The alcohol on his cuts STUNG but it was a good sort of sting. He felt ALIVE. He wasn't going to put up with Mathias being an ass anymore. It felt GOOD kicking his ass.
"Really Berwald, what got into you?" The Shop teacher asked and Berwald just looked at him, well looked in his general direction and cocked an eyebrow.
"I broke the nose getting in my business." Berwald grumbled.
"You damn near killed that boy! I'd have given you more than two hours of detention frankly." The teacher scolded and Berwald spat a little blood out of his mouth into a tissue.
"Would have been a gift and a service to mankind in my opinion." Berwald stated flatly as he got patched up. Glaring as best he could in the Dane's direction. This was war.
"EH EH EH!" Mathias crowed indignantly, cocking his head away from staring at the ceiling (pinch and lean back right?) and looking at the Shop Teacher. "No way he should be allowed to get more detention than me! That makes me look like I was some kind of pussified victim that got unfairly attacked. Bullshit. It was a fight between men. I don't care who started it, we should both have our asses schooled for it, seeing as I could have just curled up and been done with it after the first punch. I was the one that tackled him for more of the same."
This was a matter of pride. The only thing that could have made it better was if he got more detention than Berwald. It would be manlier. After all, he was proud enough to have the big troll's blood on his knuckles. And he felt considerable amounts of pride to have gotten in a fight with someone of Berwald's size and strength and gotten out of it with only a bruised nose and some pain in his lower back. OH maybe his kidneys were bruised and it was going to hurt to piss! AWESOME! To Mads, bruises were little badges of courage.
"Good fight Troll, I think it's gonna hurt to piss!" He gave the blind giant a thumbs up before the nurse, exasperated with his fidgeting, pulled his head back into the leaning back position it was supposed to be in. He was uncharacteristically cheerful for someone who had just gotten their ass kicked.
Berwald rolled his eyes. "Just remember the blood in the bowl when you piss and I'll be happy to make it worse. Leave Me and Ti alone. Next time it will be your teeth too." Berwald grunted shoving up from his seat and brushing past the teachers. He had other classes today and he needed to go get his contacts so he could freaking see.
He got about thirty feet outside the building and found a bench. By nearly falling over it. He was not going to make it all the way back to the dorm blind as a bat. He called Tino and waited for his sprite to answer. Thankfully it was between classes.
"Tino, I need your help back to the dorm, I can't see." Berwald said when Tino cheerfully answered the phone. Just his voice managed to calm the rage still boiling under the surface. Without even trying Tino could tame his troll.
"Can't see? What happened Bear? Did you break your glasses? Wait, tell me where you are, I'll bring your contacts to you!" he promised. Tino did not want to be trying to lead a blind giant around back to the dorms. He'd actually been lucky, it was between classes. And Tino knew where Berwald kept his seldom worn contacts. He held the phone between his ear and shoulder as he scrambled to get his bagpack on and rush over to the dorm buildings quickly between the classes.
"I have no idea where I am Ti. All I know is I am on a bench by the doors that are closest the nurses office if that helps. I can't see a thing." Berwald replied, taking long calming deep breaths.
Trying to shed the rage the Dane had brought on and had been building since the night before.
"O-Okay, you just stay put, I think I know where that is! Don't move. You're not hurt are you?" He fretted. Mental images of Berwald falling down a flight of stairs or getting hurt in metal shop coming to mind.
When he arrive he quickly rushed to the bathroom and opened the bathroom mirror, climbing up onto the sink and snatching up the blue container from the top shelf. Most of Berwald's things were up there. Tino's own personal effects were on the bottom.
He dashed out and around the actual school building until he found the entrance in front of the nurse's office, and quickly saw the hulking giant on the bench a few feet away, his back to Tino.
"Okay Bear. I got your contacts. What hap-PEEEHHHNED!!!?" he shrieked when he finally got a look at Berwald's face. He was all banged to hell!!!
Berwald grimaced. "I look that bad huh? I'm pretty sure that rovhal looks a lot worse." Berwald said struggling to put contacts in his eyes when he could barely see and with large fingers it was such a PAIN IN THE ASS. Which was why he just wore glasses. It was so much easier than trying to put in contacts when you had fingers the size of sausages.
"On a high, on a high, on a high holiday, on the very best day of the year, little Matty Grove to the church did go the Holy Word to hear." He mutteringly sang to himself, it had been in his head all day. He was approaching metal shop by the time he'd reached the last verse. "Little Matty lay dead on the floor. And then Lord Arlen he took his wife, he sat her on his knee. Saying who do you like the best of us, Mattie Groves or me. And then spoke up his own dear wife never heard to speak so free. I'd rather kiss one dead Mattie's lips than you and your finery. Lord Arlen he jumped up and loudly he did bawl. He stuck his wife right through the heart and pinned her against the wall. A grave, a grave, Lord Arlen cried, to put these lovers in. But bury my lady at the top for she was of noble kin."
The Dane staggered back from the blow. "I warned you rövhål! Our Sex life is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! He couldn't get to sleep last night he was so embarrassed. He's shy enough without you making it worse!" Berwald growled.
Everyone is the class just stared at the sudden out of character display. Even the teacher frankly. Did the tall quiet giant actually just physically assault someone?
He glared up at the giant that was roaring at and glaring down on him. What. the. Hell. The big pussy actually got up the balls to punch him in the head.
He may have been an emotional and mental bully to the giant since kindergarten and he had swung at him before, but he'd never actually made contact with the troll. Well. The Svenk Trold was going to have to learn the very first rule about picking a fight...
Never pick a fight if you're not prepared to get your ass kicked.
"You cocksucker!" He roared, up on his feet in a blink, disregarding the blood on his nose and chin as he launched himself at the Swede, making harsh contact with his torso. His intention was to get him down on the ground. Then that stupid height advantage would be lost.
Berwald braced for the charge and when The Dane shouldered him, and it was a good contact, no doubt. Berwald reached under and gave three swift punches to the Dane's kidneys.
Just because he DIDN'T fight, didn't mean he didn't know how.
"GET. OUT. OF. MY. LIFE!" Berwald punctuated his kidney punches with growling through gritted teeth.
This Fight was long overdue.
Many of the students got out of the way, figuring this was going to be something they didn't want to possibly get wrapped up in. Even the teacher was hesitating to jump into this mess.
The Dane started spewing curses in his native tongue, plenty similar enough to Berwald's so that only these two in the room could understand them. There were no other Nordic people in their class. Mathias was in a fight now, and so he respected no topic as forbidden. Anything to make Berwald madder, more in a rage, and perhaps he would leave himself open. Mathias attacked anything, Berwald's parents (despite not knowing of what his father had done. No one bothered to tell him because he couldn't keep a secret), his dog, his manhood, his heritage, his capacity for verbal speech, his relationship with Tino, and even the age difference between Berwald and Tino, knowing how very angry that made the Swede.
He saw RED. It was as if he was having an out of body experience now. Normal Berwald was somewhere standing back horrified at his own behavior and this BERSERKER BERWALD was in charge. His glasses were broken and laying somewhere on the floor, his lip was bleeding, he was probably going to have a black eye but none of that mattered.
What mattered was choking he ever loving shit out of the bane Dane of his existence. ONLY WHEN HE WAS DEAD would Berserker Berwald seeing RED be please.
It was this very visible and total SHIFT of Berwald's behavior that stirred the teacher into action.
"HEY! HEY! HEY! Knock it off you two! right now! BERWALD! MATHIAS!" he teacher yelled trying to verbally bust up the danger zone first.
But the shock was a blood-rage angry... BERWALD OXENSTIERNA? That gentle giant had finally cracked. It had only taken a decade for the Dane to finally push his favorite teasing target over the edge.
What worried Marcus was Berwald, who knew the boy had real viking blood still left in him and was a genuine berserker. It was rather terrifying actually.
Marcus had a bottle of water and just poured it over Berwald's head to snap him out of his rabid fit and then turned to both youths.
"First go to the nurse and get this bleeding stopped. Then you both have two hours worth of DETENTION after school today in my office." Marcus Said glaring at both young men, daring them to argue. He was just a tall and strong and had many decades worth of experience under his belt.
They were accompanied to the nurse's office by the two teacher that had restrained them standing between them, just in case the brawl fired up again.
"What do you have to say for yourself Mr. Jensen?" The nurse asked him, probably the billionth time since they met. "I have to say that blood tastes really metallic." He said, once again licking around his lips trying to clean it up like the barbarian he was. "Stop it and hold still." The nurse scolded, getting to work on the organ on his face. Luckily, it wasn't broken, but it was probably going to swell.
The alcohol on his cuts STUNG but it was a good sort of sting. He felt ALIVE. He wasn't going to put up with Mathias being an ass anymore. It felt GOOD kicking his ass.
"Really Berwald, what got into you?" The Shop teacher asked and Berwald just looked at him, well looked in his general direction and cocked an eyebrow.
"I broke the nose getting in my business." Berwald grumbled.
"You damn near killed that boy! I'd have given you more than two hours of detention frankly." The teacher scolded and Berwald spat a little blood out of his mouth into a tissue.
"Would have been a gift and a service to mankind in my opinion." Berwald stated flatly as he got patched up. Glaring as best he could in the Dane's direction. This was war.
This was a matter of pride. The only thing that could have made it better was if he got more detention than Berwald. It would be manlier. After all, he was proud enough to have the big troll's blood on his knuckles. And he felt considerable amounts of pride to have gotten in a fight with someone of Berwald's size and strength and gotten out of it with only a bruised nose and some pain in his lower back. OH maybe his kidneys were bruised and it was going to hurt to piss! AWESOME! To Mads, bruises were little badges of courage.
"Good fight Troll, I think it's gonna hurt to piss!" He gave the blind giant a thumbs up before the nurse, exasperated with his fidgeting, pulled his head back into the leaning back position it was supposed to be in. He was uncharacteristically cheerful for someone who had just gotten their ass kicked.
He got about thirty feet outside the building and found a bench. By nearly falling over it. He was not going to make it all the way back to the dorm blind as a bat. He called Tino and waited for his sprite to answer. Thankfully it was between classes.
"Tino, I need your help back to the dorm, I can't see." Berwald said when Tino cheerfully answered the phone. Just his voice managed to calm the rage still boiling under the surface. Without even trying Tino could tame his troll.
Trying to shed the rage the Dane had brought on and had been building since the night before.
When he arrive he quickly rushed to the bathroom and opened the bathroom mirror, climbing up onto the sink and snatching up the blue container from the top shelf. Most of Berwald's things were up there. Tino's own personal effects were on the bottom.
He dashed out and around the actual school building until he found the entrance in front of the nurse's office, and quickly saw the hulking giant on the bench a few feet away, his back to Tino.
"Okay Bear. I got your contacts. What hap-PEEEHHHNED!!!?" he shrieked when he finally got a look at Berwald's face. He was all banged to hell!!!
"Damn it. I hate these things."
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