May 19, 2011 07:19
Well classes have been back in swing almost a week now and it's almost like another world going to classes again.
The plus side of having a car is no walking or riding the open air trolley in the rain, but driving with a brace is annoying. But at least I've been able to loosen the knee joint so I can bend my leg some this week. The brace is really just to keep support on my artery for another week, (this week which is almost over) Then it's off.
We do need to get another car, we can only fit four at a time and there are six people in our house. Tino and I drive Ivan and and Erik in, but Siguard and Mads had to take the trolley and that's a half hour ride in wet from the house.
It's only ten minutes in the car. And even the Atheist sings Hallelujah for covered parking. No wet Shoes. I hate wet shoes.
It was pretty obvious on Monday Ivan and I were two of the people injured, hard to hide his cast and my brace so there were a lot of questions. I've had more strangers stop me to ask rather PERSONAL questions (I swear some people have BRASS BALLS when it comes to things that are none of their business!) in the past four days than I have had ever speak to me in the past twelve years I've attended this school.
I find my anxiety really gets me when Tino and the others are in class and not within my immediate reach. I really have to use those breathing techniques I was taught and redirect my focus back to class.
It's also reassuring that I see all of them at least once or twice throughout the day at various times. It's a much needed breath of reassured AIR that I'm having panic attacks over nothing. Dr. Hause says that will take a while for me and my... issues... to reslove themselves where I can manage them myself. The anxiety medication with the breathing exercises help in the interim and Tino can relax me just smiling at me.
He's magical I swear. He just has to hold my hand and it's like a miracle pill and my heart stops hammering and the feelings of panic start to calm. If I had a wish to make for the world it would be that everyone gets someone like Tino in their lives. It would be a much better world if everyone had what I do.
I'm beyond fortunate he decided I was worthy enough for him, it still blows my mind really.
And if I gush anymore he'll get mad at me. So back on the topic of "Normalcy"...
It's hard to keep my mind on class, I'm sure I'll get "back into the groove" eventually but those two weeks of crazy life has made "the norm" seem almost surreal like my "square peg" of a life doesn't fit into the "round hole" alloted to me anymore.
I'm sure this feeling will pass, but until then it's going to feel "off" I suppose.
There is one "funny" thing that happened... when the Metal Shop teacher heard Mads and I live together now I think we broke his brain. That really is rather amusing just to watch him nervously watch the two of us like we're the harbingers of the Apocalypse and he's looking for the pale horse to be riding in at any moment.
Mads offered to give me a wet one just for shock value... I don't like him that much and passed, I'm amused enough I don't need to shock the man into the hospital.
Well I've got to run, got a doctor's appointment for my leg to check on progress. Hopefully I can get the brace off by tomorrow. It would be nice. It all depends on how well I'm healing.
Fingers Crossed...