I made a
ROV wordpress I think every body know that. My site had many visitor, but only a few people comment. But all those encouragement really encourage me a lot, and I keep posting.
If you have a wordpress, you'll know you can add a search box on your site, and I did.The search box only work on your site, it only search what was on your site. And if you have a search box,in the dashboard, you can see what people had searched on your site.
Today, I check my site like every other day, and I saw somebody had search those key words: manga sex,hot sex manga, sex pic... O_o
I was sock when I saw them, what did they think? my site's a sexual site? o_O
Well, there were some hot pic, about Oscar and André, but that can't call "sex pic"! If they used the key work "Hentail",that'll be better. "hentail"'s some kind of art even it content hot detail, but "sex manga"? X-(
An art nude pic different from a sexual pic, huge different! Some people mistake art for garbage and some people mistake garbage for art. ROV was art, and every ROV fanworks are art too, ROV fan never write/draw or do anything content sex. Hot, maybe, lemon, maybe, hentail, maybe, but sex? Never!that'll be offensive to our beloved character!
And as seeing those keyword they had searched on my site, I feel like being outraged X-(