Writing Round-up 2008.

Dec 31, 2008 06:57

I've seen a few hardy folk have been posting their writing memes and they have made some interesting reading. It's fascinating to see how a favourite writer felt about a piece and compare it to how it made you feel. But I have chosen not to complete it this year for several reasons. I didn't write very much this year, a fact which pains me, and I think if I sit down and deconstruct the little I did manage to get out, it will do my confidence more harm than good, particularly if I have to consider them from the point of view of the reader, as a couple of the questions demand.

However, I think it might look better, and might even be encouraging to my poor, battered writing mojo if I made a simple list of stories posted in 2008, and possibly a few notes.

The Things That Money Can't Buy - An SG-1 AU which ate my brain for about three months at the end of 2007. It was based around the premise of Indecent Proposal, and was a long story for me.

Housewarming - a short and dirty SG-1 fic for the Pepesplace Inappropriate Blowjobs challenge. Fun to write.

Wednesday Morning, 3 a.m. - part 4 of the SG-1 Highwayman AU, and completely out of character with the rest of the story. This was one of those stumble-out-of-bed-oh-my-god-where's-a-pen? fics. Sadly it came out of order, but it did help to get the other two parts straight in my head, as up to then it had been an excuse for Jack and Daniel to banter in period(ish) language and little more.

Two Out Of Three - a Torchwood fic that sprung out of nowhere. It was fun to write Captain Jack, but I don't think I could keep up his POV over a longer piece.

Trust Issues - a due South fic for the Self Insertion challenge. Silly, but fun.

Shift - a weird, second person due South AU story that has been scratching around the recesses of my brain since I joined the fandom. Its unreal quality was such that it was never a story I could write well enough to make it sound as strange as the images were in my head.

Candid - a due South post-CotW story that I'd totally forgotten about, but that I really enjoyed writing despite the scenario having been written to death within the fandom. Mine wasn't groundbreaking, but it made me happy.

Sometimes - a due South short story that had been sitting in pieces in my WIP file and was probably one of the first things I wrote on discovering the joy that is Callum Keith Rennie.

The Secret Birthday Wish List of Daniel Jackson Aged Forty Two and Three Quarters - Silliness for a Pepesplace challenge that ended up being a lot more stress than it warranted.

This Is How It Works - another SG-1 fic that sucked me in for a good few months. This is my pathetic flirting with dominance issues within the Jack/Daniel dynamic, because it fascinates me - and I think that goes for every pairing I've ever written or read. For me there has to be a subtle equality and a recognition of that by the invested parties, or else what it left to write that isn't exploitative?

Reality Check - an SG-1 PWP for the Jack's Birthday Gift Challenge on Pepesplace. Ummm.... yeah.

When You Piece It All Together, It's A Love Story - my first finished SGA fic. An AU, I had so much fun with this. If I had to choose a new fandom, based on the terror factor, SGA would be top of the 'don't even think about it' pile, because, you know, it seems to be the place where many of the best fanfic writers are playing right now. But the characters are adorable and my brian-thing just doesn't listen to reason.

I Need Your Love Tonight - an SG-1 snippet for the Pepepsplace Elvis Challenge

Needing - a sequel to a very old due South PWP - that now needs a sequel.

A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action - SG-1 snippet for the Pepesplace Elvis Challenge.

Change Of Habit - SG-1 snippet for the Pepepsplace Elvis Challenge

A Midnight Assignation - part 2 of the SG-1 Highwayman AU. This was a long time coming, even though I adore the genre.

Help Me Make It Through The Night - an SG-1 ficlet for the Pepesplace Elvis Challenge.

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen - part 3 of the SG-1 Highwayman AU. Too recently posted for me to be objective about it yet.

Heartbreak Hotel - SG-1 snippet for Pepesplace Elvis Challenge.

Well, that looks healthier than I'd imagined, although a few of them are little more than a couple of paragraphs. If I hadn't played Not NaNoWriMo in November, this would have looked even worse, so obviously effort is required on my part to keep up momentum, if only for a few minutes a day. I was worried (read terrified) that I had abandoned my beloved due South, but there were a few up there that made me smile. I need to give Fraser and Kowalski some undivided attention this year, so they know that I adore them still, and haven't run off with a crooked-mouthed astrophysicist and his improbably-haired boyfriend.

I have a few fics that are coming close to being done - a dS one and an SGA one - and lots that are over 50% written, so I hope to be able to at least match this output in 2009, even though the year is looking to be a hard one a far as free time is concerned.

I'd like to thank my betas this year, nos4a2no9, aukestrel, secretlybronte, saladscream, ximeria, nicci_mac and sunrayinn. Without their input, enthusiasm, insight and expertise, I wouldn't have been half as proud as I am of my output. Thank you, my friends. And to everyone who has had to endure my fic-related angst or moaning... Sorry.

And I want to thank every person who has read or commented this year. It never hurts to know that what you've created has amused someone somewhere.

Happy New Year, Everyone. Be safe and well in 2009.

Love Berty

2008, writing, fic list

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